Jeremyg’s Grow Journal

Yea she’s gonna be like that throughout dude mainly because of her awkward shape, she’s basically acting like an umbrella sheilding all the lower stuff from light.

Really push how far you can get that lower stuff to reach out. A lot of it is gonna be what you call larf or popcorn buds, they wont be dense nice nuggets, you can still smoke them but they wont be as good as the higher up stuff. However you’ll have have heaps of sugar leaves and stuff to make hash from which to me is one of the best parts :metal:

Remember i was saying how each branch has a top? You could consider stripping eveything off the bottom 30% of your plant, leaving those lower branches with nothing left on them but their tops. That will drop your humidity a good bit and provide better airflow. It just means you’ll have less hash making material.

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Oh yeah, she definitely is an umbrella! Most of the sites down there really struggle with the light, especially on the side that I bent her over on. The ones near the back of her are getting great light and have been ever so slightly shooting upwards, some on the left hand side opposite the bend have been growing nicely as well, its just those ones by the opening of the tent and under her main canopy are having troubles.

I did not know you made hash from sugar leaves! I really must look into and learn about that, I really want to make some as Ive only been graced with trying it once before, but it was amazing!

I don’t mind too much larf but would very much like to maximize my yields, I will continue the journey of trying to really move those lower branches out into the light!

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Making hash is super easy and fun, get yourself a Trim Bin and when the time comes we’ll get to work :metal:

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I honestly dont mind all the extra bits if they come ill make use of them. Personally i dont really know if it improves yield or not, but the larf is extremely annoying to trim through probably why most avoid it.

Inspect all your lower branches tho, if you see any little tiny stubby leaves threatening to become little crappy stick branches just pluck them off with your nails. Keep on top of the stubbies or it’ll be a mess down there

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Awesome! I will definitely get a trim bin so i can get to work when it comes time!

Ill be watching those little branches down there so that they dont just develop into small branches of nothing!



Good evening/morning!I hope you are doing well! I have just done my watering for the night and am here to show my results as well as how she is looking as usual!

Phis low but the ppms are staying consistent!

Here is how she is looking!

Also for the finale, some lady parts! :joy:


Looking good bud, really dialed in the feeding good job!

The PH isnt calling emergency but if you could get it into the 6.3 range that would be ideal :ok_hand:

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See the top on the very far right of your plant, the one that was originally the tip of your plant? Try and spread that one square further.

That particular top, being the original high point of your plant, is where most of the growth hormones are carted too. If you keep that top lower than others, it’s said that that will redirect those hormones to other tops. She’s always looking for her highest (quickest) route to the sun. And will focus a lot of her efforts in doing that. (See follow up picture)

Butchering the lingo to keep it short but you get the idea :ok_hand:

Be mindful tho, when you’re spreading those long branches a lot over and over, eventually you will split the branch where it connects to the stem, sometimes you’ll have to bend it from two or more points (see follow picture).

On your next grow bending (LST) will be done much earlier and you can pretty much make a bowtie out of the branches :sunglasses:

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The circled pic is what would be the top of my plant standing up, notice the height in comparison to everything else.

The other pic is that same top with 3 different anchors, there’s a tent staple in the centre of her trunk doing the heavy work. So one big initial bend, followed by anchors at the top where things get a bit flimsy

There’s no SC done here at all, just bending and careful transplanting :ok_hand:


Looking good bro​:facepunch: still cant get over how big she is gona have some nice buds​:grin::metal:



Okay! I see what you are saying! I had to use two different points when I was bending the main stem over in the past so I have definitely been keeping mind to that! I try to do it as slow as I can to avoid the splitting and giving her some time to heal and get used to the new positioning! I do find it a little difficult now that she’s got so much height on the trellis net, currently she is right on the edge of the square that she is in but almost reaching the light! Ill post some pictures lower down here so you can see what I mean! I will definitely be doing lst much earlier in the next grow! I can also tell that gets most of the hormones for growing, that part is already getting immensely thick!


I am really excited to see how well she turns out! I appreciate the kind words as always! :smile: I never expected such a large girl from my first grow, it continues to blow me away how far she has come!

She is looking very healthy and happy today!!


She is a beauty :100::+1::metal:


This monster hasn’t consumed the whole tent or house yet, I would be scared to get anywhere near that thing. :joy:


How’s she looking @jeremyg? Must have lots of pistols shooting out by now? :eyes:


How funny! I was going to make a post this morning talking about my results from my water last night! I was just waiting until she perked up a bit to take pictures and I fell asleep! She does have a lot of pistols shooting out now!! Ill grab some pictures in a sec here but here are my watering results after 6.53pH and 829ppm!

Its a little hard to get a good picture because the light cut off now but this is how she those pistols look!!


Nice dude I’d say when she’s due next feed you can add in your bloom feed :ok_hand:

Good stuff getting the PH up that little bit she will like that :metal:

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Should I continue with equal parts of all 3 as well as 800ppm?

Oh yeah! I’ve been giving her 6.5 ph on the dot just about every time but its been coming out around 6.2ph after my water for some reason!

Also she its truly so amazing to see how much she progresses, just yesterday she didn’t have too much flowering happening yet but today one of them has gained a lot of growth!

its a little hard to tell and looks really dark green because of my camera flash and it being through the tents window


Look beeeautiful :heart_eyes:

Equal parts of all 3 start with 900, see how the run off is. Stick to feed/water/feed/water. We’re maintaing anywhere from 1000/1200 ppm and she should be good :ok_hand:

Start giving us some top down views so we can see those hedgehogs :hedgehog: :metal:

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Alrighty! I shall water next then and feed 900ppm all 3 parts equal once the next feeding arises! I just snapped that picture really quick this morning before I ran off to work so Ill get some top downs right now!

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