Jacks 321 vs green planet 3 part for autopots?

Green planet nutrient line is what the autopots website sells and recommends for their systems.

How does this compare to jacks 321 for effectiveness and ease of use?

I read somewhere that you have to occasionally flush your autopot lines with jacks 321 because of the salt.

I don’t want to have to dick around with anything like that. I want to be able to put some mix in the reservoir and stir it once a day I don’t want to have to be cleaning lines out during the grow. Seems complicated.


I use jacks in autopots as long as u don’t add recharge humic kelp extract and things like that I have no issues with the res or lines so far did one whole grow never had to flush or clean anything. Well once because my wife added some humic in the rez when she moved up the nutes. Since then and nothing but jacks part a and part b with bud candy big bud and tribus basically. I do add some fulvoc when I mix prolly once or twice a week. Any dark powders r def not good for the res from my experience so far. With jacks the epsom salt is really not needed u less an issue arises otherwise most have been running part a at 4g per gallon and part b at 2g per gallon. Can manipulate the amounts depending on how ur plant looks there is enough cal in jacks bags that the epsoms is really not needed. This so far has got me believing all my buildups I had on bags were from the salt as I don’t have that this time and I’ve used minimal amount of epsoms


I never flush any plant grown with Jacks. The whole idea behind people switch to it is because it is so it is easy.