Issue with very small White Widow autoflowers

From a fellow grower: I purchased white widow autoflower and have grown for years. I’ve never had an autoflower be so short at 6 weeks. I planted three and they’re 8-9inches tall, at 6 weeks.They started flowering at 3 weeks and growth slowed down. 1000Watt HPS light,18-6 schedule, cal-mag, garden friendly fungicide, foxfarm nutes, usually I see twice the growth by this point. Plants look healthy otherwise, just tiny.

  • Strain: White Widow
  • Type (fem/auto/reg): Auto
  • Climate (indoor/outdoor): Indoor
  • Medium (soil/hydro/details): Coco Coir
  • pH of runoff or solution in reservoir: All water is PH balanced to ~6.0
  • Nutrient mix strength (EC/TDS): Fox farm recommended doses (Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Cal-Mag) & Southern AG Garden friendly fungicide
  • Light type & schedule: 18 on-6 off 1000W HPS
  • Temperatures day & night: Day (85F) Night (75F)
  • Humidity day & night: Day (~30%) Night (~35%)
  • Ventilation: Two 4 inch fans for a 3ftx3ft grow tent
  • AC: It’s indoor and doesn’t need one (it’s winter).
  • Humidifier: None
  • De-humidifier: None
  • Co2: None


Your support ticket info is all fine, though pH could be a little lower. What you are seeing sometimes happens. Autos can be the luck of the draw. Some simply flower too soon. The only suggestion I have is to consider growing photos instead of autos so that you have control over when they flower. One photoperiod plant can fill up a 3x3 if you allow it to veg for 8 to 10 weeks.

I would not use fungicide products unless you have problems and they are necessary. You are unlikely to have any fungus issues with RH running in the 30% range and good airflow.


Wow, at first I thought they were clones. You could win first prize for the fattest bonzi plant. Pretty

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Had fungus issues in the past so I use a small amount in drench form, it’s the garden friendly version so no harsh chemicals just friendly bacteria. They’re refusing to refund me of course or give replacements- I’ll still do autos from time to time just not from them since they have no quality control. I’ve done photos and autos in this tent and even with fungus they grew larger than these embarrassments.

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Yeah and last place for productive plants, very embarrassing ILGM.

Can’t replace a product you haven’t germinated yet. Some fail to germinate, and that’s just growing. Many different plants have failed germination rates for their seeds. That’s just part of nature.

Autoflowers flower when they choose, that’s why they flower at different sizes. That is why members that grow autoflowers end up with many different sized results. If size is an issue for you, you may want to make the choice for photoperiod plants. @Dwarfseeds

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A small seed that produced big, heavy flowers. Grow one out. You might be surprised.


You do know this ticket was submitted on my behalf right? The three plants depicted above are ones I germinated from your seeds. I gave my order number and everything to the person who created this post.

I think this is where some confusion may have happened.
You found the grow support forum, separate from the seed shop. We assist members like yourself with growing your seeds, and explain nutrient, environmental, and lighting needs. @Dwarfseeds
The contact to the seed department is completely separate and can be found here:

I’ve never had a auto that small yet alone 3. This has to be growers error. Something you’re doing that’s causing this


You got any suggestions? All of the grow info is included in the post so please point out how I caused this. I’ve also never seen autos this small hence the post and request for refund, it seems like they’re genetically predisposed for early flower and subsequently grow slower (putting all energy into buds).

It may be unintentional not necessarily purposely

You should barely be at the point of giving them tiger bloom now when did you first give it to them?

Tiger bloom wasn’t used until 5 weeks, by that point plenty of buds had formed and I felt it necessary to start giving flowering nutrients. Normally I would start using them once my first buds start to form but these did it so early I decided that wasn’t a good idea.

Well tell me because i have some sour diesel dwarfs

They are 6 weeks old started flowering like the 3rd week they still havent stretched yet im in happy frog an̈ ocean forest mixed an im using gaia green i even raised my light to see if that would help them stretch or should i lower it?