Is this overwatering?

Well… this is the curliest plant I have ever seen. It’s an outdoor grow. Have rocks at the bototm of an oxy pot and they are in ocean forest soil. They are getting nutrients (foxfarm grow big and tiger) about 2x a week right now per their regular grow schedule online that hasn’t done me dirty yet.

Now, they started to curl yhis past week and a half or so and I thought I was overwatering so I backed off and then we got hit with massive rainstorms. Just wondering if this looks like a water issue or if it could be something else.


That is nitrogen toxicity and over feeding.

Nitrogen toxicity normally shows as dark green doesn’t it? A lot of my plants have seemed underfed so that’s why I’m wondering.

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Prolonged exposure to elevated levels of nitrogen yes, curling and clawing is the first step.

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I don’t see any signs that plant is or ever was underfed, she looks super healthy.
She doesn’t look like she’s gettin hot or too much sun, she doesn’t look like she’s getting to much water or too little.

I’d just skip your next feeding this week, water only.


Just another thing I’d like to mention, we feed cannabis at a much higher rate then any other agricultural grown plant, dr Bruce bugees words, corn is a very high light field crop and heavy feeder and grows very well with a supply of 15ppm phosphorus, our average cannabis nutrient line supplies 200-300ppm, those numbers would kill most plants but not cannabis and for some unknown reason cannabis tolerates it but with his many years of research has no evidence it’s beneficial at those levels and shows 30ppm is plenty for cannabis.

So my point is it’s not uncommon to find strains or phenotypes that just don’t handle as much.

My girlfriend found out the hard way, she had some house plants that were not doing the greatest and she stuck a couple in my grow tent after giving them a little nutrient water I had labeled(unknown to me), two days they were roaches… looked like the bottom of my bowl… I then found them as a surprise and felt horrible cause she was only trying to make them better.

At that moment I thought deeply about the levels we push cannabis. Her poor plants went from window lighting to something that probably felt like setting on the sun… kinda eye opening.

She’s not got all that much extra nitrogen and will do just fine. One other common cause of clawing is an improper pH. Be sure top check your runoff pH. Overfeeding can submarine your pH over time as mineral salts build up.


Midwest made a valid point, a rapid change in ph can cause twisting and odd looking leaves, although iv never seen ph affect only young new growth while older growth looks happy as can be.

Iv only ever seen new growth affected primarily when it’s nutrient related. Either way it doesn’t matter and I don’t think you have any issue worth stressing over.

Another thing to think about is, because iv seen it a couple dozen times in my years. Do you have any cats or animals that could have urinated in the pot?

How old are your plants seems alittle early for tiger bloom.Should be using big bloom and grow big for now if your plants are older than 5 weeks. On photos i use no nutes for 5 weeks then start at week 1 on foxfarm feeding chart before i swicthed nutes.

You’re right I meant big bloom and grow big not tiger. They are about…8-10 weeks now. Little seedlings right on 4/20.