Curled up this a potassium issue?

I think my plant is showing signs of potassium deficiency…can you confirm? How do I cure?

• What strain, unknown bag seed
• Method: Soil FFOF
• Vessels: 5-gal cloth pot
• PH of Water, 6.7
• Indoor
• Light system: HLG 600V2 Rspec
• Temps; Day 79, Night: 68
• Humidity; Day 55, Night 55
• Ventilation system; Yes, 6" w/ carbon filter out, 2 6" fan in tent, Humidifier
• Co2; yes

Looks to me to be more like a tiny amount of nute burn or painted fingernails it’s called I always like seeing this it let’s me know I’m pushing but not to hard. The droopyness is either they just woke up or a possible root issue normally from overwatering

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We’ve been holding back on watering cause we thought we were over watering…I’ll go with straight water tonight and see if that helps. Thanks I was about to mix up extra flora water…

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I could be misunderstanding you. You say you’re concerned with over watering then say you’re going to water. ???

using soil, ensure you’re letting it dry before you water. Don’t water wet or even moist soil deep into the pot. Using the one to two knuckle rule can lead to overwatering IMO.

Cannabis likes a wet-dry cycle. Don’t go by a daily/weekly watering schedule.

Water is heavy (~8 lbs per gal). When you water pick up the pot and see how heavy it is. Pick up the pot at lights on and water only when the pot is light.


Lol…does sound confusing in hindsight…we were giving each pot a gallon of water and we ran into issues so we cut down to half a gallon when we water…we are giving canna boost, canna flora, cal mag ever other water and we now only water when the pot feels light…like tonight.

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I don’t want to get out over my skis here ….but… ‘Flora’ and ‘Boost’ are both for flower. ‘Vega’ is for veg. If you’re in veg (I didn’t see flowers in your photos).

Again, if I’m ate up Please excuse me.

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What is your water source? Tap, RO, distilled?

I think it’s a zinc deficiency.

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How far is your light from top of highest canopy? Shes a tall 1

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Agreed but we went through a phopherous deficiency so we went ahead and switched from flora to veg. We are in 12/12 as of last night…

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RO water

18 to 20 inches and we constantly pull it up!

Yea she’s in the stretch phase. Are you also turning your light up as u go? She’s a beauty btw good job

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I think the RO is your issue. Does Canna line have zinc in it? Cal - Mag + has iron but I don’t think it has zinc.

RO has little to no primary, secondary, or trace minerals in it. You have to provide everything that plant needs.

Dechlorinated tap water may be better because it probably has all the trace minerals in it. You are providing pri and secondary minerals with your nutrition.

If your municipality uses chlorimine you may need a charcoal filter. Otherwise if it’s chlorine just fill a bucket and let it sit for a cpl days and the chlorine will dissipate.


The light is at about 95% but we constantly pull it up to maintain 18 to 24 inches between light and plant.

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You are correct nothing I have includes zinc

I would say jacks 321 could solve your problem it includes all the nutes from start 2 end and it’s cheap compared to others and you don’t need so many different products.

For the next few weeks she will continue growing and than you can leave at 15"


Dang it and I just gave them more RO water…

Of course if you wanted to be certain which minerals are deficient a soil test could be taken and sent to a lab.

In the mean time, since you already watered, I wouldn’t add more to get the missing nutrients to the plant. In this case I recommend spraying the plant with kelp extract (used primarily as a trace mineral source) or other micro-nutrient foliar spray. These can be purchased at your local garden center or online.

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