What machine did you buy? All kinds of reviews on here different machines. Please post your experience with it when you get it use it.
Ardent Nova FX. It was actually the only one anyone had stock of here in Australia and in doing the research appears to be pretty damn good in that you can even bake in it!
Yup…a lot of folks got that one in here! You did your research. I think @Skydiver has an Ardent Nova he seems to have quite a few toys, butter machine too maybe. Very nice, you can search it up in here too find some neat stuff about it and tips. Very cool.
Found a really easy recipe for gummies online. Basically melt them in a microwave and then mix in your gear n pour it into molds
Jewels does a lot of tincture and edibles and…
Yeah I want to make tincture so I can make sugar. Should have ordered my seeds earlier lol! But looks like a bit of decent stuff that’s grown
Thanks for the link. Been looking for a good tincture recipe. Use a lot of vanilla in my cooking so that’s going to be great too.
@LoCoRock @Amazon66 @Mark0427 Have a question, if I pick a small bud to try and run it through a decarb cycle, will that be ok to smoke? Or do I have to cure for a couple of weeks then decarb then smoke?
If u just pick it ull have to let it dry out a day or 2 if u press it u dont have to decarb nothing. If u wanna make edibles u have to decarb it then do the grain alc and oil mix. Pressing is alot easier imo. @Shadesman
If ya wanna try a bud out or “sample” just toss it it the oven for a lil to dry it out, some toss it in the microwave for a couple little bursts. Everybody does it no big deal.
Like he said
@Amazon66 @LoCoRock @Mark0427 so I took a small (tiny) bud off the smallest plant today n decarbed it. Early I know but excited. Can’t smoke atm because I am stuck around someone. So it was kind of like a crunchy snack. Holy F@%kballs Batman! Better than any I have bought!
On another note - if you had snacks coated in weed would it just keep giving you the munchies endlessly?
Your stoned, endless munchie train!!
Think my seeds might be for some dwarf auto variety of white widow. All seem to be topping out at about a foot high
@Mark0427 @Deepsix @LoCoRock @Familyman @Amazon66
Hi all. So just took some new photos of the little guy. Mb a day or 2 more? Also is it possible to take the ready buds and leave the plant with the smaller buds still growing or best to take the whole plant?
Think the growing medium might be an issue as well. Using peat pods for first 2 lots.
First lot was transferred to a bigger pot with soil then in ground. 2nd was transferred straight to ground. A month difference and the 2nd lot appear to be bigger than the first were at this point in growing. Trying a 3rd batch being planted in soil in small pots to be transferred to the ground and see if that makes a difference.
The ones planted that get more direct sunlight seem to do better than filtered sunlight although concerned about the heat coming into summer as well. Yesterday was 30 degrees C 86 degrees F and we will hit 40/104 in a matter of weeks.
Find a strain that does well in hot temps. @Covertgrower im still getting to know whos in hot or warm climates. Maybe u can point him good
Nice looking flowers by the way. Gonna be a nice smoke if u finish her right.
Thanks, have to figure that out too. Have trouble finding a place to let dry hanging (privacy issues). Might just decarb in the ardent. Last came out crispy but was ok to munch on. Smoking is a little harder to find time and space
Most of your sativas are more suited to hot weather
If u decarb it u dont smoke it right. Its nit gonna do nothing if u smoke it after decarb. Decarb turns it into an edible form basically by changing thc to a thca. When u smoke the bud after proper dry and cure. Smoking i t decarbs it as it enters the lungs and body incase u didnt know