First time I have grown Critical Mass feminized photoperiod. It was getting really big so I decided to harvest the tallest buds and dried for two days. I was trimming it to put in jars and saw this white stuff. Advice and opinions please!
Wow did you have it in a dehydrator?
Definitely mold. Split the bud open where the mold is. If the bud is large enough remove slices (bread / tomato) until you see no evidence of mold or bud rot. Bag the rot and discard. I would give any harvested bud a bud wash and a thorough inspection. Bend the buds open so you get a good look. Repeat above if any more is found.
Take a good look at the rest of the plant(s)
@NewGirl uh oh!! Do what he said!
Sadly this can happen when growing strains with huge buds if humidity isn’t kept low at all times in flower, even then drying and cureing can be tricky to with big fat buds…
Its definitely budrot/mold, try to cut away all you can find and just toss it.
Thanks all! That’s what I was afraid of…. We had a very humid fall, and I just couldn’t get the humidity down.
I still have smaller plants in the tent. Should I assume they are bad too?
No not at all.
Hopefully it was just that little bit.
Look everything over and do whatever you can to control humidity even just adding more air movement through the plants as they grow can help, defoliation of leafs, things like that.
May have to splurge on a big dehumidifier, it could be better then losing lots of good smoke.
I find them at goodwill all the time for under $20, some costing a few hundred new… I got 4 this way
only 2 days drying probably played a big role