Is this bud mold? What do I do?

I tried to figure this out, I think it’s bud mold - cottony fluff in buds. I’ve lost a good part of my crop, and I’m hesitant to harvest early, the trichomes are not completely cloudy, let alown the amber I was hoping for.
If it is bud rot (or something else that requires me to cut it now) will the quality still deterioate while it is drying? Has anyone used a food dehydrator to hurry up the process and maybe minimize the chance for it to spread?

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Can you provide a better, clearer pic of the buds and one of the whole plant?


This the best resolution and focus I could get today. What looks like it is fuzzy, is actually what the bud looks like. No pics inside the closet, it’s lined with reflective mylar. I


Yeah I wouldn’t smoke that, definitely not good for your health


I’m trying to decide whether to harvest it all now, to keep from losing it all. If I knew more about what it is and how quickly it spreads and grows, I could balance whether it would be worth a loss in quantity in order to get a better quality.

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That does look like some white mold there. Probably the beginning of bud rot. Cut anything that looks skeptical on those buds and then cut a little more. Then wash it in a peroxide bad REALLY well. That’s if you’re desperate to keep those buds.

What is the environment like where the plant is growing. What’s the relative humidity? Do you have air flow? And exhaust and intake, fans moving air around?


If you can bend it and it separates easy. It is rot. A black light helps to tell also. But if it is cottony. Odds are not good for you. I have had my issues with that before. It is a terrible feeling when you are this far out. Either way. I would make sure to give it a good H2O2 batch after you chop her. The rot I got normally started from the inside out. Which is why it breaks up so easy. I hope I am wrong though. Those are some nice buds


Thanks, it really looked like it had a lot of potential. I’ve already lost the 3 nicest tops out of 5 plants. Two of the tops were dense and better than the one shown.
What about a quick dry in the microwave or food dehydrator to keep the mold from growing in the cut buds?
Does the H2O2 bath make the affected buds smokeable?
Can I use the harvest for hash or edibles? Does the mold attach to trichomes, or just to the vegetation?

The airflow is not great, input comes from a 3/4:opening at the bottom of the closet door, exhaust is a 4" fan that empties into the attic. I don’t know the humidity.

Poor airflow is likely the reason why you’re getting mold. You need to know the humidity so you can adjust air flow appropriately


Am I right in assuming that since it is an enclosed space, all the plants have been exposed and that it’s just a matter of time until all the plants and buds are showing the mold?
Cut all now or prune only the affected buds and hope that at least some will actually reach maturity


@kaptain3d didn’t you deal with mold on some plants recently?

What would spray plants with that have been in the effected area?


You can try to stop/slow the progression by spraying them with some water/peroxyde solution.

I would use the same mix as Jorges when he washes WPM and :poop: off his plants…


Thanks Kap. So the peroxide worked better than the milk?


For the WPM? They both helped to slow it down, but I wasn’t able to get rid of it completely. Just keep it relatively in check…
One day I was spraying with milk/water and the next it would be water/peroxyde.
The downside of milk is that it leaves a white film all over your plants… :nerd_face:

I heard that Doctor Zymes Eliminator is supposed to be very good for that. But I can’t get it in Canada yet… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have Dr Zymes on standby but haven’t had to use it yet


Hey everyone. This Jorge idea is not viable. There have been a lot of discussions about this video. 3 or 4 times on the :Growing with fishes Oidcast"

there is not doubt that you can detach mold, but the weed is worthless…for the most part.

BTW, Love to Jorge.

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Safely gather this moldy plant and place in plastic bag.

Take outside in a open airy spot. Chop it up and then throw it in the compast pile. Nature will do the rest.


If you are getting that much rot. Chances are there is a lot more hiding. I have cut what I needed to and still salvaged some from the plant. I always made sure to cut a few inches more off than I thought was needed. With out actually being able to se the plant. It is kind of a feel type thing. It isn’t some thing that spreads like wpm though. It is from to much humidity in the room. You don’t want to try a microwave. I have a friend that was testing a dehydrator since his humidity is really high. I will see what he found. @AfgVet it was seedplanter if you may have caught that when he was testing it. And congrats on the mentor bit :+1: @wolfpapa do you have a picture of the whole plant so we can see what you are working with.


Life to short!, toss it out grow another, no sense in harming yourself.