Hey all.
It’s cropping time this weekend!
My ladies just need a few more days to finish the flush but I went out today to check on them tonight and noticed that one of them looked a little off.
Some smaller bud sites dried up and died, not too big of a deal, but I noticed a top looked a bit brown. Feeling it, the actual bud felt more wet and squishy than the rest.
I chopped it off and am drying it to see what happens.
I pulled apart between the bud and it all looks fine, the brown is just the dying leave (which also feel very saturated).
I did not notice a squishy stem, any bud browning besides the smaller ones on their own tiny branches, nor any webbing or white.
I did give a hefty amount of water last night… could this have caused it? I am not thinking bud rot but idk what could cause one portion to feel like this.