Bud rot ? Late Flower ? Am i a noob?

Hey guys, first grow coming to a close here. I think I may have a case of the “im sick and googled my symptoms”. Being my first grow I have no idea if what I see is normal but my buds are getting really frosty. Like exceptionally more frosty than the other plant. I also noticed the sugar leaves or at least I think thats what they are browning on the edges. I dont know if thats just normal and I’m bugging out for no reason. Plant is super skunk auto from ILGM and the RH has been anywhere from 30% to 55% the entire flower stage. A few nights i had the dehumidifier off and it hit 60% when I woke up but that was only a few nights. Sorry if this is just another case of the “oh youre worrying too much” but I guess better safe then sorry. Gotta learn somehow. Heres some pictures



A little color change is all I see. Normal late in flower.
Bud rot happens inside where airflow is hindered and is a sickly grey/brown color or white cotton like in appearance.

Inside a bud like this…

Or white weblike as follows…


Just keep your humidity down. You will be fine.


thank you for easing my nerves. appreciate it


Hey @Spiney_norman do you know what the texture of a rotten bud is? I havent experienced it yet and I am curious about how it feels when you squeeze a bud that has rot.


Never had one rot to any great degree. Had a little web mold once but it was fairly light. I had a few weeks of 75% humidity. If I keep it under 65% I seem to do ok.
So I cant speak as to what they feel like. I would imagine it becomes softer than normal.


It’s very brittle. Any little tug and the area pops off in a ‘dusty’ kind of release. Feels… sick. And spores spread VERY easily so if u suspect it, bag and isolate plant. Then test pull somewhere completely away from the other plants. And wash/change clothes immediately after.

It looks mushy, but is very easy to powderize and ‘dusty’

WPM is more akin to webbing. Sticky soft and sickly feeling as well. When it’s in the early stages, I’ve mistaken a bud infected for some super frosty stuff. But on closer inspection it’s webby and NOT TRICHS lol


That’s why I was initially worried because when I spread the nugs and look inside they are very very frosty. But they don’t resemble webbing so that’s good


I don’t see any rot . I see trichromes


Thats gross

What do you mean?

The texture of bud rot


Are you talking about the tips changing color and getting almost hard like they’re burnt? I’m noticing the same thing on my main top colas on my gorilla glue and I’m not sure what it’s from.

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Pics would be helpful

This is original posters pic, but you see the black kinda tips. Mine are like that. I’ll get a pic later on today. Almost like they are burnt and have a crunchy kind of feel at the very tips. It’s only happening to the most mature top colas on mine in small spots

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That’s either, genetics just showing some fall colors. Or temps in your grow space hitting the right notes to bring out colors. Nothing to be alarmed of. Adds to the bag appeal imho

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