Indoor grow Granddaddy purple feminized

We have 4 empty bedrooms upstairs… wilth locks on the doors. We are both retired. Youngest is 40 and is disabled now. We keep him in weed and gummies. Been buying mail order marijuana for 15 years now. Have not bought locally in the state we live in now. Building a stash will figure out how to make gummies. :slight_smile:


Check out @blackthumbbetty and @GreenJewels threads. They have some edibles/tinctures/cooking threads that are AMAZING


When we kick into 12-12 tomorrow approximately/ ball park; how many weeks to harvest?

i read 10 to 15 weeks in flower
Does that sound right??

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kicked into 12-12 and got some tiger bloom and cal’mag today. last watering was late sunday. i am using coco loco in the pots and Sunday we put in around 2 quarts of water and a little more till they run out a little out the bottom. Today bags still a little heavy (i use a cheap digital postage scale) bags still a little heavy. Will water late tomorrow with tiger bloom and cal mag.

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Don’t drop the nitrogen out yet you’re going to need a lot for the next 4 weeks


Yikes my plants in the 5x5x80 are getting out of hand. Tallest plant is touching one of lights and light is as high as it will go. To correct that tonight I applied some LST pulling down the top 4 branches. I know I have created a mess. I also read tonight that we have been under watering and feeding the coco loco. Using my Kensizer Water Hydrometer my soil has consistently showed wet in bottom 2 inch and moist in the middle and dry at the top. We have been watering with 2 quarts in the 3 gallon
bags every 2 to 4 days. Today I read we should be watering a gallon per pot and feeding every day.


12-12 for about a week. Photos show a couple things. LST on tallest plant to address touching the lights. Dowels to hold the plants up as I pull the plants out of the tent every watering and rearrange them. I also reach and rotate them often. There is currently 1400 watts of light with 1 light with 1000 watts and 2 having 200. Also shown how the trimmed branches and using snap ties to keep them spreading out. One dose of Tiger Bloom and Cal Mag…

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Switched from a throne to buckets to raise the 4 shortest plants.


:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile: :grimacing: :face_with_head_bandage:


Boy howdy, youre fixing to have your hands full. Im not too far behind. Have 6 in veg atm until the 4 i have in flower get done.


Depends on the strain. Most take 9 to 10 weeks of flower. ILGM and other seed company’s list the flowering time.



Tenth day at 12-12. As you can see the largest plants are touching the lights. This is after a little LST from a few days ago. Lots of buds forming. This is a before photo, but after adding additional rails at the top, pulled all the lights and added key rings and 15 inch zip ties to set the lights closer to 80 inch top. Also added a spider farms light so now I have 4 lights. One is a generic blurple with 500 led with 300watt, another is a 1000 watt blurple Carambola with 576 led, a Barrina with 816 led and 200 watt and added this evening a Spider farms SF1000D with 210 led and 100 watts. Yes I know is a little odd. The generic is from my first grow from 5 years ago that worked fine with bag seeds in a 4x4x80 along with a 100 watt light bulb. Made buds.
Going to get a boat load of bud this time.



Whew… yup its getting tight in there!

Nice training session with the strings. Id be going in for round 2… (or 4 haha)

Should be getting into full flower by now. Been a week or two yes?


Like 11 or 12 days at 12-12. Buds all over the place. I look at them after work today and looking really good. Already figured I will reposition tighter once the stems get used to new position so as not snap anymore. The honey and tape appears to be working. The 2 that snapped last night still looks healthy.


Should I trim some leaves that cover lower buds? Get them more light?

If they wont tuck, sure pluck a few. Especially older large stubborn fan leaves. Dont go loco but a few here and there on each plant wont hurt