In regards to xtreme mykos

I wanted to just start my seed inside of the soil I’m using so I don’t need to transplant (15 gallon). I read after germination you can roll some mykos onto your root before potting it but I wouldn’t be able to in this instance.

Would I just pour some of the mykos underneath the seed?

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I’m not sure about Mycos I used it and liked it but switched to Great White…Which you can mix with water and feed the plant that way…

If you can start in a smaller pot and transplant into the 15 gal, the plant supposedly grows stronger.

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The mykos i use is water soluable, so you should be able to add a 1/4 tsp to your gallon of water and be good to go… i used it in my solo cups when i buried seeds this grow around

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Hm, what’s the theory behind this? I see people start them in the cores (black styrofoam looking things), jiffy pucks, and the cocoa type pots. Seems like the only thing I am skipping is potentially putting the plant into shock. I’m sure there are benefits to repotting just not sure which.

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Starting seeds in a smaller vessels allows easier watering/feeding and root growth. Starting the seed in larger vessels can have under watering and root grow difficulties :love_you_gesture:

Solo cup start

Transplant after substantial root growth


Red Solo Cup, ill fill you up, then throw a party!


Talk to me Toby :grin::grin::love_you_gesture:

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Use (grow inside) a clear solo cup that fits into the red solo cup.
Allows “Root growth viewing” without disturbing the plant.


:rofl::rofl::rofl: i was referencing a song…

I always use clear cups

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Thank you for the visual, it makes a lot more sense now. Almost as if the explosive growth at bottom is expecting resistance but doesn’t get the same so spreads like crazy.