I'm I gonna end up with hemp?

I’ve got 6 girls starting week 9 of flowering. Everything was looking good then hurricane Harvey started sending rain & massive humidity in the 100% with dewpoint 73 farenheight. So I’ve bought a dehumidifier and put charcoal in tent , another 260cfm intake fan. They are only half as sticky as 10 days ago. This humidity is supposed to be here another week .
I’ve yet to see any Amber but hairs are almost all red. According to guide for these two strains harvest is 64 days & that would be labor day.
Looking for a larger dehumidifier but with storm major roads are impassable.
Can I extend the flowering & if so how long as I know at some point the thc values deteriorate.

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Wow @Laurap wish I had some answers that would help you
Rice, kitty litter, any way to vent AC through the tent? Are you still working off a generator?
IMO the amber will be the deciding factor on harvest.
Maybe and this is just a guess, increase light to 13 on 11 off ?
Up here in the mountains I don’t get floods but I do have blizzards to deal with and weeks with out electricity. I have a 20kw generator that I power with my tractors pto and a couple 5kw gas powered generators
Sure wish I could help. Not just your girls.

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I’ve got a 260 cfm running into bottom of tent sat right by a window unit, dehumidifier and charcoal. They were so sticky 10 days ago & checking them last night I ran my hand beside to remove water from dehumidifier and barely sticky.
Still on generator with rain all this week as well. Tried googling but just get that humidity is bad but no what ifs.
Need what ifs now!



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You guys too

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@hillbilly103 @Laurap

Rule #1: All you can do is all you can do.

There is only so much you can do at this point. If you can’t lower humidity then increase the amount of air movement below and above the canopy . If you have a spare box fan or something you might be better off to open up the tent and keep the air moving. Other than that revert back to rule one.

I would not harvest early unless that is your only recourse.

We are all wishing you the best.


Guess what I’m truly asking is if anything will be salavagable ? It’s weird as it appears that trichs are in a holding pattern @ cloudy and very little sticky now. According to guide they should be ready labor day, but also courious if could run little longer week or two and see if Harvey leaves and I can get ups here again, maybe larger dehumidifier or humidity at point I can deal with. At this point just shaking my head.


So sorry this is happening to you. I don’t have any answers for you :disappointed_relieved: but hang in there and just do the best you can,


I am wondering about the temp. The warmer you go, the lower the humidity will be, so my question is, what is worse for the plant at this juncture? Is it warmer than they like it, but with a hopefully lower humidity, or a good temp, but higher humidity? You are in a tough spot…but the only thing i can think of is to raise the temp with a portable heater to take out the humidity…??I assume you have ac going…maybe you can run both a heater and the ac and see what it does to the humidity?? I honestly don’t know, but this is all my brain can come up with,but I will keep thinking.


I believe heat will bring me more humidity. It’s 100% humidity outside , all my furnitures damp like having a swamp cooler.
Afraid it is what it is. Need larger humidifer but looking at $250.00 & haven’t worked since all this hurricane stuff started as I bartender at bar near beach and not really sure when I could get one here. All roads are pretty much closed by my house.
On upside before all hell broke loose I got new beans😕

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Adding “dry heat” from a heater should not raise the humidity, it should lower it. More lights, or to put it in proper terms, the heat created by more lighting will lower humidity too. Think of it like this, during the day when the lights are on the humidity begins to drop, but at night when the lights are off, even though it may be cooler, your humidity in a tent will rise(I live in the very humid state of FL.). You are adding heat that is dry…not the same as the heat that already contains moisture.

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I’m trying to think of a better way to say it…think about the difference between Arizona, and Florida…both are hot has hell, but one is dry heat, and one is wet(FL). a heater will create dry heat, as well as will more light bulbs.

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Ok, I see where you’re going. I was thinking my temps need to be in 70s° for flowering but it might do better with higher heat and less humidity?


Temps are not supposed to be too high, but I was kinda thinking about the lesser of two evils here…that is why I was saying try cooling with ac and using a heater together…maybe you can play around with combinations to see where you can bring down the humidity without raising the heat too much…I am not sure how much help this will give you, as I have no tried it myself, but it sounds like it could work…


Just for you, I got out my portable heater and put it in my grow hut. I put my ac up a but higher, and am watching my gauges. In about five minutes, my humidity dropped 5 points, but my temp went up 1 degree. I think if I needed to, I could play around with the devices and find a reasonable compromise.


Boo, you’re awesome! Had already decided to give it a whirl. At this point I’m clueless


The more air you can remove faster the more your rh will drop.


If the ambient is 100% rh the only solution is to go closed loop meaning no outside air simple and sweet if you are running AC it will keep things cool and dehumidify at same time


Started out this am @ 84%. Added an oscillating fan & when a/cs running humidity goes to 64% and up to 68% when a/c cycles off. Only vents open are the retangular ones at bottom. I’ll close them but it’ll probably up temps to higher 70s.
Many thanks for responding, had gotten to “It is what it is”. Now maybe by tweaking a little closing everything I can get to a tolerable temp & humidity.


Just think of it this way during winter here my humidity is nothing I have to run humidifiers or recirculate air to keep moisture :wink: same holds true easy to keep things in a closed box dry the less outside air you let in the merrier