Why is causing the brown/rusty look?
I’ve had minor cal/mag issues all along but supplementing more had kept it in check till now.
I did just move it from indoor to outside 2 days ago
I did cut off all impaired leaves for now
Looks like it might be a lil bit of sunburn from not hardening them off first.
No biggy if it doesn’t spread.
Good point. It looks limited to a few leaves. Plants look overall pretty healthy.
I’ve never worried about something that just appears on a few leaves.
What do you mean by that? I’m a rookie at the outdoor game , looking for any additional help🙏
That’s where you gradually introduce them to the sun a bit at a time. Little longer each outing till they’re out full time.
Just helps get them used to the intensity of full sunshine.
And if it’s been warmer there it can intensify the damage a bit.
That being said I rarely harden mine off before putting outside.
They usually pull through just fine.
Might get the odd leaf burn but nothing to slow growth.
Yeah, it does look like it burned the same pattern that was originally there!