I’m a little stumped

So I germinated a plant from seed and it broke ground yesterday. I had it under an old Starbucks cup as a dome, worked great lol. It had a little helmet head but looks like it’s resolving itself. The first real leaf (albeit tiny) came out overnight and was there this morning. After reading all the conflicting info on when to take the dome off, I figured I would try this morning. It was off for maybe 4 hours and the seedling tipped right over to the side when I just checked. So I misted the dome and put it back on. Why would it do this? Pics are first sprout and first real leaf. I’m confuzzled. :thinking:

The soil should be completely dry if using a dome. A dome + wet soil = root rot. Seedlings are very vulnerable to overwatering.


I leave my dome on (inverted solo cup) untill the leaves touch the sides.


You are doing fine. The dome is there to keep the humidity up after the seedling breaks ground. I keep the dome on (and misted inside) until the plant nearly touches the sides.

edit: looks like @Audiofreak beat me to it. :grin:

edit #2: @Audiofreak your seedling starting cup arrangement looks exactly like mine. I thought you had one of my photos for a second. :rofl:


Do you think it will perk back up now that the dome is back on? Or is she a goner? Just trying to plan germinating another seed if need be.

I expect that your seedling will be just fine. Just don’t over water it. I don’t water until the dome comes off.

Edit: @Truetopath do you have a photo of the seedling after it fell over?


Stick a toothpick in the dirt next to her to lean on for a couple days.


If stalk of plant is long enough put dry soil all around it so it stands up. The dome solo cup should have a hole in the top then be lightly misted and put over top. I allow I to dry between misting. Also my hole in the top is a half inch big.


New pictures would be nice and helpful.


I will add some when I get home. I gently held her up by pushing the soil around her.

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That’s good as long as that soil is completely moisture free. You don’t want anything wet touching the stem.


Here are the pics from this morning. I’m leaving the helmet head alone as it keeps opening further so I’m going to let nature do its thing. She did perk back up once I put the dome back on.

Looking good. I would take the helmet of with 2 pair of tweezers. Then one shot of a very light mist of water on the leaves. I use fish tank water but any chlorine free water is fine. Then mist inside of clear plastic cup with hole in top. Then I would water around cup with 1/2 cup water all the way around cup. From there I would just moisten cup inside when dry.
It really does look good at this point. I think you will be fine.
Follow your instincts on when to give water on soil. Shouldn’t be more than every 2 or 3 days one cup at a time.

Got it done and did the watering like you recommended. Now the excitement of watching her grow, and setting up the bigger tent today :smiley:

Nice may the spirit of mary jane bless her.
If you want to check out some of mine look for Growing DRsdank in show your grow.


Here is a link let me know if this works. First time I have tried to Attach one.

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I use domes for my cuttings to become clones, independently growing in soil.
Often, during the days of waiting for them to grow, I take domes off.
The wilt if not ready for independent (dome free) life.
They usually return, erect.

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Domes with vent cap removed.
Clones in soil., pictured 7-2-24
Currently, domes removed and no wilt among the five.
I will dig them up, next month and examine roots then transplant.
Method being utilized for practice (worked in 2023, and again now).
Got too many plants that won’t produce big before Sept 30.
Road trip for October.

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Those are awesome!

Mine definitely “wilted” as a sprout with the dome off. Much happier with it back on, and I used the tweezers and freed her from her helmet today. I’m thinking it would’ve fallen off in the next day or so, as it came off real easy.