- What strain, I growing (Granddad purple kush)
- Method: coco coir (70/30 w Perlite)
- Vessels: 3 gal fabric pot
- PH of Water, Solution, runoff (5.75ph, 950 ppm, runoff 6.2ph 650 ppm)
- PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution (950ppm)
- Indoor or Outdoor (indoor)
- Light system (600w led from vivosun)
- Temps; Day, Night (77/74)
- Humidity; Day, Night (Not sure)
- Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size (yes 6in inline fan)
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, (no ac but yes to the others)
- Co2; Yes, No (no)
Are you giving any cal mag? I’m a soil guy but I believe your pH coming out is a touch high.
Yes a full dose with nutes and a half dose with ph tap water. Thanks for the suggestion
I figured as much being your in coco and are this far along which is why the pH was my second thought…cause it definitely looks like calcium deficiency to me . I don’t know enough about uptake in coco though to know if 6.2 is enough to impact you here. Good luck with it! I’ll be following along to see what you guys and gals come up with out of curiosity.
I am growing in Coco like you, and my PH is reading 6.2 as well. Typically 5.8-6.0 is the sweet spot for Coco, but mine are doing great. You don’t say what type of nutes you are using. I switched recently to Jack’s 3-2-1 and my plants are very happy. Lets ask some experts to help you here. @Covertgrower @CoyoteCody @Myfriendis410 @Nicky
Thank you for your reply. I am very very new to growing. I am using General Hydroponics 3 part. I’m adding Silica, Cal/Mag+ , base nutes, yucca extract then ph to 5.8. Once a week I add recharge. My ratio is 3-2-1 and diluting with plan ph tap water and cal mag. I feed at 900 ppm
Welcome to the forums and thus the community, thank you for providing good pictures and a support ticket as well as a good amount of information.
On paper it sounds great, although I will point out your 600w vivosun is actually 270w still a healthy light for one plant but just know that going forward.
Your plant is experiencing nitrogen toxicity, see how dark the leafs are and how the tips are clawing? That’s a tell tale sign. So your feeding a bit to much and your plants trying to tell you that.
Maybe try off setting your feed days with a water and cal mag day. I’m not exactly sure on what your leaf issue is here to be honest. The most often hung we find when brown spots are on leafs is a calcium deficiency although yours doesn’t look like exactly fitting so I’m hesitant to say that’s what it is.
It’s not magnesium and it’s not phosphorus, other deficiencys are very rare.
Have you split water on the leafs? Have you been moving the plant around alot?
Have you done a very close inspection under bright cool light for bugs, check stems and under side of leafs.
Is it getting worse?
Your next watering session just water with cal mag and water, PH to 5.8 and then alternate that with your feed. When your leafs start to loose their clawing and lighten up a hair go back to feeding as you have been, this gives your plant time to grow up and accept more nutrients.
Nicky I have been moving the plant from the 3x3 grow tent regularly to feed feeling bad now I mix botanical calmag+ (2-0-0) at full strength with nutes and at half strength on water days.
I’ll follow your advice thank you soooo much. I have more pictures I really appreciate your help.
Also any suggestions on a good light for me starting out? I’m thinking my current light isn’t any good
Yes I recommend kingbrites.
Eh your grows going better than my first one many moons ago so don’t sweat it
Looks like phosphorus defficiency. Could be wrong. I had the same thing showing. Used a spray high in P, around 11 and it started to clear it up.
I’ll try anything thank you so much would you have a link to the product or name? Also, when is a good time to use it (lights on or lights out) does it matter?
Nicky thanks I’m so stressed out I want everything to be perfect…as if
Try this, it’s what I’m doing now for the past 3 days. Feed them 1/2 to 1 cup nutrients daily, they seem to love it too. I am on 1/4 strength now. Mix nutrient solution in a 1 gallon bucket or what you prefer and I use a little sprayer
It’s very very rare we ever see a phosphorus deficiency in a plant that’s not in full flower, veg doesn’t use much of it.
Also while I know your trying to help @GeMann without actually measuring things in terms of concentrations with a tds meter and a PH meter your really just spit balling it and while it may work its hard to accurately repeat a result without controlling the variables.
This is why I belive it to be more of a mixing issue/over feed/PH issue some sort of lockout is much more likely here.
Again my advice is to lay off the feeding to every second watering for now, ensure your PH is correct and give water with cal mag on watering days that alternate feeding days. don’t over water though
Yes, it’s best to start your own thread /post.
Your plants need a good definition, and it looks like you can start feeding them some more nutrients they are starting to get hungry although that could be the color of your light. Again take pictures in dark with flash on for true image.
These are a good watch.
Hey! Sorry I’m new here LOL , thanks for the advice I took pictures as you described ! Thanks so much for responding this is my first grow
Plants look healthy defoilate them your st the perfect time.
See how that changed from feed them to they are fine just over lighting. Always check em in normal lighting to identify issues early on.
Alright thanks so much!
Your welcome. Doing great for a first grow.