- What strain, GG auto
- Method: COCO perlite
- Vessels: Buckets,
- PH of Water, 6.8 tap
- PPM/TDS or grow/bloom/micro advance nutes
- Indoor
- Light system QB4000 eco farm
- Temps; Day, Night 73 day 68 night
- Humidity; Day, Night fluctuates
- Ventilation system; Yes, Size 4in
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier, NO
- Co2; Yes, No ? N?A
If I remember correctly Coco is more like hydro so your pH is hight I believe it should be around 5.8
Do you have a ppm meter? If so what’s the ppm’s going in.
PH needs to be 5.8 in coco.
Leaves laying on the ground will probably die. Not a big deal, first leaves sometimes die off sooner or later.
Soil looks extremely wet. Could be (one reason) why they are drooping.
I believe it is between 5.5 and 6.0. 5.8 being the sweet spot. @Nicky @Not2SureYet they grow in coco
If the OP is using AN PH Perfect he will have been advised to not worry about PH. But you are correct in that coco should be a full point lower, all things being equal.
Gotta say I don’t see much to be concerned about. When you can post again how about telling us what you believe is wrong.
And welcome to the forum.
Myfriendis410 yes i haven’t bothered with ph because the nutes said ph perfect. Also I’m worried about root rot or cal/mag issue because it looks like its creeping up thats why i took a picture of that leaf in front and if you notice only three leafs on that teir. I’m also thinking i need more holes in the bucket becaus im watering once a week 1 liter but as someone mentioned my coco looks wet and leafs are drooping. This is my 1st grow. Not sure if you can see but there are also brown spots on the yellow leafs. Thank for the welcome spyonyou.
You def want good drainage but it sounds like you may be overwatering and by that I mean offering too much water at once. Try giving her less water more frequently and see how that works. A plant that size I’d probably be trying to water like once every 3 days, then every other then daily and potentially even more than once a day in coco depending on root mass.
I was always told a good measure of watering is when the top of the coco just barely begins to turn light brown and shoot for 10% run off. So try watering less more frequently. Eventually you’ll get a feel of how much she needs. You got.this.
For the size of your plant. I would try watering with 2 cups of water. Every other day in about 4" circle from the plant. I would do a water one time. Then feed the next. I go back and forth like that for about 3 weeks, Then to a normal 2 feeds and one water for me.
You say you are using tap water. Are you letting it sit for 24hr before you use it? Just checking for down the line. I would start easy on the nutes and work your way up. The good is you can tell if they are happy in just a few days I try to stay at 5.7 - 6.1ph wise
When you prepared your coco did you amend your coco with Cal-Mag?
Ok Guys/Girls heres what I think is going on you can tell me if im crazy or not With my ph perfect I didn’t care about ph but I was using straight water every other feed and that made my ph fluctuate. (ph pen is being rushed and will be here tomorrow) Also I was letting my water sit for 7 days but had a lid on it not sure if the chlorine was getting out. (lids now off) Deepsix my only excuse is this is my very first time that being said cal/mag being rushed and will be here tomorrow. (bet the delivery driver has no clue he/she is now driving an ambulance to save my girl
Also thank you for the watering tips TheAlchemist and Not2SureYet Will start as soon as the coco dries out a bit
24hr with lid off is fine.
That’s possible with not PH’ing PH’ing the water.
Tag away if you have any questions
@Kalzor looks like a bit of overwatering to me, but someone here will probably better diagnose the issue.
I agree with everyone else here TOO MUCH WATER. How do I know? I just went through this with my current grow. Leaves started doing exactly what your pics look like. Light brown patches in middle of leaves. I trimmed all the browning leaves off and let my soil dry out completely then started watering again giving more time between waterings. Plants are doing fine now. Trim those brown leaves and let her dry out before watering again.
Heres an update. Got a bit of nute burn but doing so much better I know this isn’t going to be a monster since its an auto but this was more a learning curve than anything.
Definitely looks over watered to me.
Nice job! Keep it growing.
A little nute burn is not bad. Now you can dial it back a bit and manage the flowering stage. Easy on the watering although she will drink much more during this stage.
You will have one nice cola, and as you said, it’s more about learning for next time.
Continued success.
+1 for @Dexterado. Definitely over watered.