I have seen some of the auto get really big. How many could you fit in a 3x3 tent?
I’ve done two and it worked out fine. Basically 2 average size plants or one huge plant.
I’m wishing I would have gotten a larger tent now
Yes I understand 3 x3 is odd size 4x4 is more suitable in my opinion I had a 3x3and I only use it for drying now I stepped up to 4 x4 for the same reason you’re thinking.
Good luck
Get a new one and use smaller for harvesting
The only problem with that is then I’ll need new lights and exhaust fan I guess it would be that bad this is my setup now
Late to this thread. Honestly autos have come so far along that there are only really pro not so many cons. Pro not photoperiod so can grow any light cycle. Pro full harvest 7-9 weeks. Pro short plants the max height is about 4.5 foot tall so you can drop a seed into a 5 gallon bucket of soil and just feed and water no need to transplant they actually do not like to be transplanted. Pro friends have gotten over 80grams per plant. So the harvest is good now. The autos now are not like the autos in the 90s small plants maybe 20-30g you are getting huge harvest with good thc content. I just watch this whole video that this gardener says that autos will be the new snap pea type of plant Snap Peas were a big deal in the 80s. I tend to agree I have a nice little Auto cheese going outside its probably 4 foot tall and is about to flower. Will let you know the yield. But since you do no need a light cycle this guy says a lot of home growers will start turning to autos just out of the ease of growing. Take this into account for growing Auto vs Photo How quick is your frost after the fall solstice. Being in michigan we can get a frost in early October. So if you grow outside your photoperiods could be in danger of getting hit with a frost. Also take into consideration where you grow if you live in northern climates autos might be a better way to go since you have a frost. So for me i would rather grow 12 autos in a rotation start 4 seeds.end of month 1 plant 4 more end of month two 4 more next month harvest first 4 plant a new 4 and repeat for months of the year. from May to october. My case for autos. I guess this is why michigan has more indoor farms then outdoor since it could be a challenge getting a decent harvest befor the frost hits.
Ya I can see how there is a lot of pro’s to them I’ll be getting some for next summer