So I drilled a hole through the main stem and put a chopstick through it to stop it from closing. I also put a bunch of ice on top of the soil. I read these methods online and gave it a try and just wanted to say that I noticed a huge difference, like unbelievably, I didn’t even think this plant was going to frost up like it did and within 24 hours I noticed a huge difference. Just wanted to share this
Was this not already posted?
@SausageMahoney well not this topic, and I never posted the outcome of it, on one of my other posts I was talking about it as soon as I did it. But now I’m sharing the outcome and made a new post of it
Gotcha. They like to keep things kinda orderly and not have multiple posts about the same topics. Just kinda keep that in mind in the future.
Very interesting. Do you have a before/after photo?
@SausageMahoney well this is before, I will take some when I get home. I finally got a jewelers loop and able to get a good view I’m going to see if I can tape the loop to my phone camera and see if I can get it to work like that. I don’t know if that is how people do it but I figured it would work. I have a feeling that I have some type of mites or bug, but I don’t see nothing when I look through the loop but I can see damage to leaves with my bare eyes and I keep finding little hair like pieces randomly throughout the plants but it’s not a full web or nothing. I’m wondering if I am going to do a budwash when I’m done or just harvested like it is. I figure it won’t be the first or the last time I’ve smoked unusual things lol
Lol. Id definitely do a wash. Even indoors picks up all kinds of stuff. Everything loves sticky buds.
I generally hold the loupe up to my phone. Taping it never occured to me but should allow much easier use. I just got one of the pen scopes that connects to the phone. They’re relatively cheap. I think mine was 20$?
Try to post a pic of the damage, or have you already?
How far into flower and what is the purpose of the hole in the stem??
Pics or it didn’t happen… lol
Would love to see !
I’ve never seen anybody crucify their weed plant before.
I did crucify my little sister’s baby doll when she ate my cheese steak sub out of the refrigerator without asking.
The nerve! Oh well, she had it coming. Lol
Am I missing the whole science behind this process?
Old trick for HST
Believe it was more Bro Science
Search stem spitting
Thanks man! Gonna look it up, love to learn about the different stuff even if there’s no way I’d try
Common sense interject. There is nothing we can do within a 24 hour period to seriously change the final product.
Ice baths
Stem splitting
72 hours dark
Flushing prior to harvest
These are all things folks have tried and there isn’t much to back up these claims that it made a huge difference.
Plants look like gonna be some fire, well done!!
I use a digital microscope which you can get online, very cheap. Plugs into the bottom of your phone. You download the OTG app onto your phone and this uses your camera screen to zoom in on your buds and tricomes.
So I ended up cutting one down last night, here is the pictures. This was the one that I drilled a hole through and ice bathed a few days prior LOL I still didn’t see any amber trichomes but just went with it anyway. My other plant it looks like I see a few Amber trichomes but it’s crazy because they look like bug specs. They’re not moving though I’m wondering if it’s just Amber trichomes and it just comes out looking like that cuz of my view. Anyway here are some pictures of what I harvested off of one plant