Humidity Is Insane!

We are experiencing insane humidity here in the Deep South. I woke up about 5 am today and checked the outside temp and humidity.

My house AC unit measures outside temp and humidity. This morning was 92% humidity. Makes maintaining a decent humidity in my insulated tent a challenge

I have two humidifiers going in my fully insulated shed (lung room). Able to get it down to 70% in my tent.

I’ll be glad when we finally get some better weather.


I assume you mean”de-humdifier”
I would guess if you kept the air moving 70% could work, but I’d be nervous also…
What temp are you getting in the tent?


So provided you aren’t using a swamp cooler, using water vapor to cool, making the lung room temp cooler will remove more actually water from the air, but the lights will heat the air in the tent which should lower relative humidity. I usually try to keep my tent in the 75 degree range and about 50% rh


What size dehumidifiers are you using, and is there any chance the coils on them might be dirty?
I frequently have outdoor humidity in the 90% range, but I’m usually able to keep my indoor grow spaces and lung room at a decent level. I have a 70 pint a day dehumidifier that works fine if the conditions outside aren’t too bad. I have a 95 pint a day unit for when it’s worse out there, and a 18,000 BTU mini split AC/Heat/Dehumidifier unit for the worst of times.
I learned last year how poorly my dehumidifiers operate when the coils get dirty. Even though I clean the filters every week, I couldn’t believe how much dust and cat hair managed to get by the filter and builds up on the coil. It was a pain in the ass to take them apart, but once I cleaned them they both started working like new again.


I have a window AC unit and a stand alone portable ac unit (when needed). I can easily maintain 75-80 degrees (my target). I do not have a swamp cooler.

Humidity is another matter and yes, I meant dehumidifier. It hasn’t been a problem until recently. Hopefully the weather breaks soon.


With that system coming in, its pulling all kinds of moisture…


I aint far from ya…



I’m growing in a 10x16 fully insulated shed behind the house (my lung room). Tent is in the shed. My house is only 850 sf so no indoor growing. Inside the house would be a blessing.

Is your lung room in the house?

My AC units are pictured below. The window AC can cool the lung room pretty easy and i “can” switch it to dehumidify mode (which I have done)

My portable unit is also pictured below. Cools really good if needed. Vented outside. Also has a heat mode and also a dehumidifier mode. I have it on dehumidifier now.

My dehumidifier is below. Govee brand. Love this brand and the ability to monitor and change via app on my phone. It’s running constantly and collecting at least 2 gallon (or more) a day.

I’d hate to think I need another dehumidifier? Be checked the filter on my dehumidifier but didn’t see how to clean coils. I’ll look closer.


Does the shed have a good vapor barrier included with the insulation?


I insulated with fiberglass insulation that includes a vapor barrier. Plus I put plywood over the insulation to help plus keep it protected.

This includes the ceiling. Every inch

It has all worked beautifully unit the last week with our insane weather. I live along the Carolina coast about 300 yards from the ocean. Walk outside at daylight and the humidity slaps you in the face!


Id be curious what the difference between the lung room and tent is…temp/humidity… I live in southeastern Louisiana, so I understand heat and humidity. Also work construction. :face_with_spiral_eyes:
My tent is usually about 2 degrees either way from tent to lung room depending on time of day. humidity is usually about the same 1 or 2 points…
Mine is in my attic with sprayfoam insulation. I think that may help with vapor permeation which would allow more water vapor into my space. But even still, lights off from 11am to 5pm. That may affect respiration which may affect humidity at the hottest part of the day.
Not claiming to know anything, just helping brainstorm.


Thanks for the reply.

My lung room and tent are pretty close. The picture below is from my dehumidifier app and it shows rh and temp very close to the readings in my tent. Often the tent rh is a little higher which I think is understandable being full of plants.

Probably no solution other than addition dehumidifier OR just wait for the weather to break and hold rh to 70 or below (has been 60 or below)

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@HotAndHumid, this is how bad the coil in my 70 pint a day dehumidifier was. I never realized that any maintenance aside from cleaning the filter was necessary. When it started to produce more heat than normal, and wasn’t working very well on lowering the humidity in the room, I read online that that it was probably because the coil was dirty.
Sure enough, this is what I found on the coil when I took it apart, and it worked great as soon as I cleaned it.


Dang. Didn’t realize.

I’m heading to the shed now to see if I have the same problem.

I hope I find similar. Will let you know.


@HotAndHumid I’m in the same boat you are. I’m a mile from the intercoastal and 2 miles to the beach and the SC humidity is killing me as well. My portable ac, and dehumidifier are probably pulling about 3-4 gal a day. A placed hard cooler liner over the dehu with a 4" pipe going straight into the tent and I have been able to keep it under 50% in my tent, but everything is running non stop just to keep things there. Portable AC as well!

We’ll, I found my dehumidifier needed “a little cleaning” but nothing like your pictures. I was hoping for lots of gunk but only found a little.

Also took my portable and cleaned it too. But again not bad.

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Thanks for the reply. Can you send pics of what you are talking about. I may be able to duplicate.

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Lights are out right now, but i definitely will tonight once lights come back on.

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Actually I snapped a qick pic. It’s the inner liner from a soft shell cooler. Used the hard platic liner for my cap. I think it was wally world brand.


Thanks @Bracketh

I see what you have done on top of your dehumidifier. But, I’m scratching my head on how it really works.

As mentioned, I have a portable AC unit that has a dehumidifier mode. When selected it blows out cold, cold cold air! According to the manual it expels any moisture via the exhaust tube outside.

But, on my actual Govee dehumidifier, it draws in air through the filter on the back and expels it through the top. Like yours I’m sure. Has worked great and easily collect 2+ gallons of water a day.

However, the air expelled through the top of the dehumidifier seems warm. Definitely not cold air like the portable unit.

So, wouldn’t this pump warm air into the tent?

What am I misunderstanding?

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