Im just wondering how low you all go in terms of dadark période during flowering. In my previous grows I never went below 12/12 but this girl has been taking her time and ive heard good things of longer dark so im also trying to get her to speed up a touch.
Good Morning @Gwiz your lady looks happy and healthy!! A 12/12 light cycle is what most use for flower on photo plants. What you are doing appears to be working. Happy Growing
You can go 20 off and 4 on but after 50 years of inside grows people have chosen the 12:12 for a pretty good reason. If 8 hours was sufficient or better they’d have figured that out by now.
Longer dark periods are not gonna push them time wise. You will end up loosing yield, although the last 2 weeks I drop to 10hrs. More so out of habit from the 90s. Not sure if it even makes a difference. I personally would pop back to 12/12 and go from there
Interesting replies, I knew people dipped a little bellow 12/12 to trigger flowering hormones in a 'stronger’way but yea yields def could suffer if she doesn’t have enough photosynthesis time. I think im gonna see what happens at 10/14 though just to try it out
I’ve never had a problem doing so… I’ve experimented over the years with light schedules to see what works best for me . they don’t seem to mind as long as you’re not going all over the place.they won’t re-veg unless you go above 12hrs. Maybe go up 15min every couple days till you’re back at a 12/12
From my experience when dropping lower then 12/12 my buds did not get that chunk they get the last few weeks. They seemed skinny ,nothing really changed density wise. Keep in mind I was using HPS lighting at the time. I also thought at the time it would speed it up mimicking what the sun does dropping as low as 8hrs before harvest. Honestly being able to work lights for longer hours is a blessing. IMO It helps yield
Ok, well with that in mind I think im gonna just flip her right back to 12/12 starting tomorrow morning. I had to work on the setup yesterday anyhow so she had a little disturbance in light schedule so I doubt she’s gonna re-veg on me.
However, if she were to reveg how would I know ? What would be the signs ?
Have you heard of the Emerson Effect @Gwiz ? This process manipulates a molecular or protein called Phytochrome that is key to stimulating flowering for Photoperiod plants.
Been giving it try now with a minor twist by also adding UVA during this period as well.
Super interesting, so you use infrared leds in your setup ? I just have a basic chinese light with samsung chips or leds or something. Been good to me so far though.
I disagree a little as I’ve seen them reveg when outside on 10 hr day and put inside on 12/12 the almost two extra hrs of light even with the same start time caused some to reveg
Oh yea so its very noticeable hahaha. Am I the only grower that does very long veg and only switches to flower when the plant tells me it’s ready ?
I’m gonna try a hard switch week 5 or 6 next grow but so far ive let my girls a good 8-10 weeks of veg before going to flower.
What I’ve learned from this is the plant actually does not stretch as much as people say, since the growth is done during veg, she enters flowering around 1m tall already and only stretches 20-40cm (these are not very representative measures though because I’ve only done 2 different fem strains)