How much darkness do you give during flowering?

Well thank you all for the replies ! I’ve just changed the timer for one extra hour tonight and a 1h earlier morning tomorrow for the girl. I really really hope she doesn’t re veg because I don’t have anymore nugs from last grow and it’s very hard to find weed where I live :frowning:

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I would agree with that but he’s only been on a 10/14 one day. So it’s highly unlikely.


I agree. A day shouldnt do much. Like cloudy days outdoors, plants may get 8 hours of soso light and extended dark hours.

The most important (imo) factor to shortening daylight hours was mentiond a few posts up. If you have intense enough lighting to hit required DLI (and can keep your environment stable) in less hours? Its neglible, but most people around here arent pumping that many… lumens? Lux? Whatever intervals DLI uses… haha.

But 12-12 is tried and true. So if it aint broke….


I don’t know if it would speed up flowering but cutting some of those fan leaves out will definitely help with air flow and bud development/density. Most people will do a defoal right at the flip and then again 3 weeks or so later. It will definitely help with yields.


Mhm thats also interesting, I usually let the fan leaves get à little yellow before cutting them, but you think cutting them while they’re still green could help ?

How do you know when you’re overcutting in that case ?

Here’s a pic from 2 grows ago showing the underside and actual plant after defoliation (21 days into flower)… I also do one a week before the flip.


I flower at 12/12 until the last couple of weeks, then I go to 10.5/13.5 at the point where I am lowering DLI to prevent fox-tailing.


I’ve stuck to the 12/12 for flower but…recently I’ve added far/deep red and UVA for the last 15 before lights out with additional 15 after lights out. Also additional 15 before lights on and 15 after lights on.