How long to dry?

When it’s time to harvest, i plan to snip it at the bottom and hang the plant upside, what is the standard drying time inside hanging up?


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With the right environment, you’re shooting for 10-14 days of drying. You’ll want to check the stems as you’re drying, and when they start snapping instead of bending, should be about time to trim and cure


Hey @Shane7Aus , good morning.
Several factors effect drying time. The humidity of the room, air movement and temperature.
For me it takes from 7 to 10 days to dry enough to go into jars. You want the stems to feel dry and kind of brittle. When you bend one it should do a bit of a snap, a noticeable kind of pop. It wont break in two as cannabis is very stringy. I dont hang the whole plant as I harvest stems as they get to the ripeness I like.


We bought a WeDryerXL, and so far I have been pretty impressed. Though I will also add that I don’t think I let mine dry enough for before bagging it up, and it seems to have lost some scent, though the bud itself is still frosty and potent. But that was due to my own mistake, not that of the dryer.

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In the right conditions with rh at 55-60% and temps around 18-23 degrees Celsius one to two weeks u want a long slow dry that way u end up with great smoke and when curing make sure to have a rh and temp gauge in ya jars burp the twice a day for the first two weeks and then burp them again for once a day for a whole week or two when ur rh is stable at 60% in ur jars then its done u put a rh pack to keep the rh at the right level

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I use a WeDryerXL as well. Love it. Works well.


I do this and the drying time is not as simple as you would think. Location, temps, wind, humidity and other factors will come into play.

I have had plants dry in 3 days and I have had them take 10 plus days. Its part of the process.


My last ones clipped at the branches and 60% RH and 75 F took 7 days

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When is dry enough or too dry? I have the same dilemma. Search the sute for “moisture meter” read how they are used. Get one and eliminate the stress.

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I like it to hang dry until the buds snap off clean. If it still pulls a fiber from the stem it attaches to, it needs to hang longer.

RH and temperature and air flow will decide how long this takes. My last run hung for 3 weeks at 60F, 60% RH. The one before that was dried in less than ideal conditions: 70F, 30-40%RH. They were crispy in about a week (Boveda pack helped revive them pretty nice).

If you wait till the buds snap clean, won’t need to burp your jars really at all. I still check them but it’s just to give it a whiff, then close them right back up. If you jar them up sooner, more burping to air out the buds is needed.


I just received this as a gift for Valentine’s day. Seems to do the trick. Check what your moisture content is and go from there.


@BigItch I actually already have one of those in my workshop. Never thought about checking my weed with it.
Cool :+1:
Do you press the leads into a stem?


You want the meter reading between 10/12 percent of moisture (in the bud not the stem)with 11% being the sweet spot. At that point i trim up and bag or jar just forthe cure. At 11% mousture content your Rh in a container of your buds should read 62%Rh. Then go your to cure technics.


Leads go in the actual bud … both probes have to be touching flower do not touch the bud while testing will give false moisture reading


Into the buds. Look for 11%, on soft wood.


I just need to find where I stored it now.
I was processing wood for wood turners at one point then got to where I physically couldn’t continue the chainsaw work anymore. But I have the meter stored in the shop somewhere.
Thanks guys!


Those darn things work so well. Used on last two harvests and cures with the Grove Bags with absolute perfect results. Both read 62%Rh after one day in the bags. Never had to try and interpret if the “snapping sound” of the twig was loud enough or not.


im getting one lol


I’ve got one of those kicking around too. Used to check my firewood with it, now I can just tell by weight. Wouldn’t have ever occurred to me to use it for buds, thanks for the idea @BigItch et al