Hi, I was just wondering what everyone's preference for curing and drying times are

Hi, I was just wondering what everyone’s preference for curing and drying times are.

I hang dry for 5-7 days in 68-72°, at 50ish% rh. Then I snip buds and trim bigger leaves and put in a diaper box (getting my money’s worth, things are getting expensive) with a fan blowing on the holes used for carrying handles. The buds stay there for 2-3 days to sweat, with a couple shakes here and there. After that I do a final trim and put in Grove Bags in a big box and grab as needed.

So, dry time is about 7-10 days, and cure, for me, really depend on where the bag is in line. First bag, maybe a week. By the time I get to the last bag it’s been curing anywhere from a month to a couple months depending on yields. Sorry, that’s a lot, but I hope it helps some.

Main thing… Slower the dry, longer the cure, better the overall quality.


Wow, do you mass grow on outdoor land? Thanks for the feed back, that certainly helps!


Some day. I keep a couple auto flower strains at a time going outside and have photoperiods inside in a tent. As far as dry/cure, ideally you want the environment at 60°f/60%rh. Always keep good air movement. A fan blowing around, but not directly at the buds as they dry. Over 60% starts to make it comfy for mold to develop. Too low, under 50ish%, and the buds will dry too fast. And warmer temps make it easier for mold to develop. Warm and dry makes for a quick dry with airy buds and a harsh smoke as the end product. Warm and too humid is asking for mold.

Also, if you have a wood moisture meter, with the 2 metal probes, you can cram it in the buds. This is the best, most accurate way to know when to jar or bag for the cure. 10-12% is the ideal range. And curing at 58-62%rh in the jars or bags.

Again, sorry so much, but it SUCKS to get all the way to the end, and when you open your bag, there’s mold. I’ve done it and had to trash an oz off my first harvest lol.


Hi there and welcome to the neighborhood :grinning:
I have the Wedryer xl. It controls the rh and heat with a fan and filter. My last dry was real ssslllooowww. About 15 days til it got to 11% rh. I cure until i need it. But, @Borderryan22 has you covered. Low and slow


Oh, wow, thanks for the suggestion about the WeDryerXL, I am definitely going to get one.

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would you recommend those humidity packs?

Have not use in 48 years don’t plan on starting now. If it is a little dry put a fresh picked bud in it till it feels right. If to wet leave the lid off. I store in sealed mason jars when it is at the feel I like. When they are opened it is just as good and has the same feel as when it went in. Store cool and dark.

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First off I dry trim.
I dry as large a stem as I can handle to remove large leaves and based on where it will hang to dry. I may use the tent, boxes or the closet. They hang dry until the smaller buds feel a little crispy on the outside (5 - 7 days). Then I break it down to individual branches, do another once over to remove whatever is dry and general clean up. From there I lay them out in plastic totes. This gives another 3+ days of drying.

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