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I have 3 successful grows under my belt and Mrs. @SilentHippie asked me about growing her some tomatoes. I’ve read that tomato plants and cannabis plants require similar growing techniques. I’ve only grown cannabis to this point and I’m curious if I treat a tomato plant like a cannabis plant can I expect decent results? Anyone have any experience growing tomatoes in a tent?
I’ve looked around a little but can’t find an "I Growing Tomatoes " forum. Lol
With the vast amount of misinformation on growing cannabis, I figured the same holds true for tomatoes. That’s why I thought I’d check with you folks. You’ve led me through the pains of learning to grow good weed and thought “these guys won’t steer me wrong”.
I don’t think growing tomatoes indoors all the way through harvest is cost effective but I have grown some once. Find verities that are good for patios or pots which fruit at a smaller size or do cherry tomatoes
I wanted to grow tomatoes because they taste do much better than store bought but tomatoes will grow on your deck or yard, start them early inside and you’ll do fine even in Canada we can grow tomatoes in the mountains… Plus you want the bees
I just started some tomatos. I have one cherry and two amish paste. Amish paste I plan on cloning for the summer grow. The cherry tomato should give me some tomatos pretty quick after I switch to the 12 12 light schedule. I will have to pollinate the flowers by hand.
I also have some lettuce, beet greens, kale and radishes. They take about 55 day to harvest. I figured if I do three trays a week apart I should get some nice greens while I’m waiting to switch to flower.
So you’re saying tomatos don’t need a change in light schedule to fruit? Interesting. I’ve never grown indoor tomatos before. Thanks for the information.