You don’t have to switch the light, but you do have to do the work of the bees, butterflies, etc. They have both male and female parts, and they pollinate themselves to make fruit. But, indoors, you have to give them a wiggle to get the pollen to go where it needs to, simulating a bee or whatever hopping around on them to get the goods.
I’m out of likes, but that works too!
It seems as though you are making it more difficult than it has to be.because the flowers are complete they will pollinate themselves even with a bag over the flower which is how I keep peppers from cross pollinating to collect the seeds
Good info guys! Thanks for all the responses. After speaking with Mrs. @SilentHippie, she wants to start them inside and move them to pots on the deck. She’s been so cool about my new hobby that I’ll try to grow anything she wants!
Happy wife…Happy life
If you do tomatoes inside they will not fruit unless you pollinate the flowers. You can use a q tip.
Tomatoes Basil and Cilantro, peppers germinating,SALSA
Can you germinate a cow in that thing I want a burger for that salsa
I think germinating a cow requires a different technique. One that I’m not willing to pursue. Lol
I grow alot of vegetables, and a little weed. Great idea to start tomatoes, peppers, and beans early in a grow room, then move them outside when it gets warmer. Many plants want soil temperature to be warmer than most outdoor soil in Spring, so get the early growth done indoors. I don’t worry about pH water for vegetables, but tomatoes and peppers do like CalMag to prevent bottom rot.
Attack of the killer tomatoes?