a few spots of wpm have popped up in flower room 1. dosed the plants with h2o2. I checked the intake fans bug barrier net to see why the flow was so bad coming in. It was ok as i clean it quite regular. THEN i remembered i had initially also fit another bug barrier at the inlet end of the pipe inside the walls vent cavity. it was so blocked up, there was almost zero flow and this is more than likely why the mildew has popped up. I have ordered a 2nd 6" exhaust fan which should arrive later this week to compensate for the 8" inlet i have added. FLOW FLOW FLOW lol
Did major defol yesterday on the scrogs and then did a low EC flush on the two Gelatos. Their runoff when pouring in the centre of the pot was down to PH 5.0. Had to pour 50L through each pot before the PH started to rise, the EC started off at 2 then dropped down to the input of 1.1 ( 770ppm on 700 scale pen ) Eventually did 75L through each pot! Did a full strength feed after that just at lights off. Need to tackle the Black Cherry and Blue Cheese tonight although their numbers aren’t as severe
- nearing end of week 6 since actual flower …
Looking good brother
Gelato is getting close, when looking through the loupe with the naked eye I can see cloudy heads and a few ambers but when I take pics with my phone through the loupe they seem glassy. I’ll be ordering a digital microscope, I already have a stand to assist with the shakes
Try diffusing the light over the bud you are checking. I like to use a piece of paper, seems to help by reducing glare.
Cannot wait to chop this Gelato 42, bud wash it, then get it into the drying tent. The scent is really strange, smells like spiced up game biltong ( jerky ) The buds are solid and covered in frost. I know I always say this, but I may try and smoke some of this Probably going to go for another week. Will take decent pics when lights come on tomorrow
Gave the few spots of WPM on the leaves a dose of H2O2 after those pics were taken. Will do a full cleansing in about a months time when the GDP, FBC and Lemon Skunk are harvested in the room next door. Next run both rooms will go into flower at the same time.
Been cutting more holes for another 8” intake fan and 6” exhaust fans. Using the old “box” method to prevent brick dust getting onto the sticky girls. So for now I have 2 x 8” intake fans pulling fresh air from the cooler side of the building, and planning to have 4x 6” exhaust fans getting rid of stale air.
Change of scenery, did a shore dive and
caught some decent sized Crayfish this afternoon. 8 Crays, total weight 10.6 kg.
Took me 5 hours to trim the fans and excess foliage off the Gelato, then chop stems and hang on a line before mixing buckets to wash, then wash, hang on line outside in the breeze then shake dry to be moved back inside and hung on another temporary line. Tomorrow morning I still need to set the drying tent back up and then hang them up again lol
Eventually did the last of the harvesting and washed them all. All loaded into the drying tent last night.
Harvest congratulations
Congrats on the chop brother nice work!
@DRsDank I bought a pack of 3 seeds from Anesia, but it’s always a gamble buying seeds. Just need to hope to find a keeper, I take clones from mothers that have kept from good seed genetics. Always searching… I also tried Anesia Apricot Oreoz but gave up after a few runs, potency wasn’t there either. I still want to try out some of their other strains…