Help with Top Soil ‘Recipe’?

Hi all, I’m hoping for some assistance in putting together a basic soil recipe. Last years crop which was grown in 18g fabric pots. I used FF Happy Frog along with Jacks 321 and had pretty good success. This year I’d like to go in ground, and I over bought on some bagged top soil for another project…
So, I’m starting with 8 x 40lb bags of Beck’s brand Topsoil. Not much info on the bag, all I know for sure is it contains 20% peat moss. I also have 3 x 18g, and 5 x 5g pots of the FF soil from last year. Figured I would empty onto a tarp and remove the roots, and blend with the new topsoil?
Questions: what amendments should I add into the blend? There will be some soil from the ground involved as well obviously. Plan is to mix it and roto-till it all together. Not sure if I should be looking into perlite etc. Also, I would like to use dry amendments to feed the plants this year (if that’s a factor here)?
Any help is appreciated, I had nice results last year due to my growmies advice :slight_smile:

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I like using peat humus and mushroom compost as additives as well as worm castings

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8- Large bags of High quality Organic potting soil with a coco and Mycorrhizae
1- 25-50 pounds of Organic Worm castings
5# Steamed Bone meal
5# Bloom bat Guano
5# Blood meal
3# Rock Phoshate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite)
½ Cup Azomite ( Trace Elements)
2- TBS Powdered Humic Acid

If growing in the ground ditch all that. Add lime and use a time released organic fertilizer or plain triple 8. Add cal mag during waterings. The perlite is always a good idea to help drain the soil and aerate it.

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I also added seabird guano and supercharged bio char to my mix. I let it cook 30 to 45 days.


I ran Subcools half recipe myself last time. He says put this in the bottom 1/3 of the pot or bag. I just wanted to make sure anyone reading doesn’t mix this up a few days and plant in it as it’s very very hot.

I mix mine on a large tarp then fold it over and cover it up for at least 45 days. I also add more of the bugs and live earthworms.


Thank you all for the advice I appreciate it! I got a start today in emptying and sorting though all my fabric pots from last year. Will continue reading tonight and make a trip to the nursery tomorrow for some amendments :+1:

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