Help with Spots on Leaves

Any idea what’s happening with my plant? Spots! I don’t “think” it’s bugs…won’t wipe off and I looked closely and don’t see any (top or underside).

  • Durban Poision
  • Flowering about 5 weeks
  • 2x4 tent with HLG Light
    Auto pot system
    Jacks 321
    PH nukes 5.8-5.9
    PPM 1050


It does look pest related… thrips. Other than that idk what can cause that… following.


As an FYI, I have sprayed the plant a few times with captain jacks dead bug

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Looks like spider mites.
I can see some webbing along the leaf fringe in the first pic.


Get ready… arm the arsenal… youre gonna need it. Im fighting em myself. Spider mites. Right now im treating with Crop Defender 3 from Growers Ally. I have organishield will be here tuesday so i can rotate… ive been fighting them for months…

Here you can see the white speckles on the leaves like yours. I did a huge treatment this morning and this evening when lights came on, the surviving ones had climbed to the very top of one single bud and had started webbing… i nipped that one in the bud too… i just went out and checked everyone again and didnt see any survivors…


I’m circling back… I just found some too. More pics to help support evidence.



I got lots of spots but can’t find a web or any mites. If all those spots are eggs, I’m gonna be over run with pests. I tried wiping the leaves but the dots (or eggs) don’t wipe off

I’ve sprayed a few time including today

Hope I can hold them off another 4 + weeks till harvest

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Fingers crossed for you! I checked a bunch of leaves, scanning the underside. I swear that mite was like a grain of sand or smaller… only found that one that’s pictured.


Same issue here.
Not a happy camper, here.
Crop defender spray next, because the dead bud only killed the flowers.
May have sprayed too much.

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If it is mites, cannot see them with eyes. Need a loupe or USB scope.
I had em too on one grow a few back

Good luck!! Mine appeared toward the end of flower so did not really affect me too bad.


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