HELP! Spider Mites in week 9 Flower!

Noooooo!!! I’ve been babying my girls and made it to week 9 of flower w no major pest problems… a few days ago I noticed a few leaves appeared to have a few white spots… but I didn’t see any mites. I just saw a few mites underneath a leaf! Then I moved onto another plant and searched the whole thing and didn’t see anything… but then another plant has a few! I’ve been planning on taking these plants another week or so… but should I just chop now? I’d prefer to wait if I can… I would love to just spray them with something but am afraid I will ruin taste… although the plants in this tent are mostly for extract… do you think it’s ok to spray w alcohol and water mixture? Or H202 and water mixture? Or even use a light neem oil mixture? I used some during veg but never during flower… I also have some “garden safe fungicide 3” which says it kills spider mites… that would impact taste but if I’m using this tent for mostly RSO oil will it matter? I’ve never had spider mites… I think a few may have jumped off my dog when he stuck his head in the tent… only thing I can think of… but I’m less concerned about where it came from and more about what to do next… so, I have 3 questions:

1.) should I chop early?
2.) if I do chop, will any mites hang around or so they leave chopped plants? Do I rinse the buds to get any off (as of right now I don’t see any on buds and I don’t see any webs.)
3.) could I take a plant in the shower and run water on it? There don’t appear to be too many right now but I’ve heard horror stories…

any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!


A couple plants don’t seem to have any on them… and the ones that do only have a few and they are on the lower leaves…worst affected plant is furthest from the 3 fans (one in each corner.) is it worth trying to ride it out? I’ve never dealt w these and I don’t want to ruin crop… but I do want to get 1 more week of flush… any light solution I should spray???

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@merlin44 @Covertgrower
you have been a big help on the past in me getting this far… any advice for helping me get through this last week or so? Also, if you can “@ mention “ anyone else you think has any good advice here I would really appreciate it… I’ve babied these girls for 4 months… I’d hate for it to fall apart at the very end… also, I’m wondering if since there are only a few spider mites with no webbing, would it be a terrible thing if I just let them go, with some manual removal and just let leaves die slowly since I’m so close anyway?!? It looks like they are staying away from the flower…

Also, side question… if I do a partial harvest, how do I harvest only some colas if the whole plant has to be in darkness for 48 hours… won’t that affect the colas that is not harvesting?


Not a lot you can do now. You can hit it with some captain dead bugs to kill what’s there. But if you’re only a week out they won’t have a lot of time to do a lot of damage. You will need to bud wash to prevent yourself from smoking bugs.

As for the darkness, I haven’t noticed a difference between harvesting after darkness period or in the middle of lights on. Have two plants hanging now (one after dark period and other during lights on) to test again.


@BobbyDigital thanks for the advice! The video wouldn’t play. What would you recommend I wash them in right after chopping?

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i had mites 3 weeks before harvest. how long have your plants had those silvery looking leaves? when you think u are seeing trichomes it is really the mites sucking the life out of your plants. you already had them for a minute before you realize it. i used peroxide and water spray. i used capt jacks NOT ON THE BUDS. i even put my plants in the shower. they turned out fine. i was the only one that swore i tasted chemicals

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1 cup peroxide to 5 gallons cool/room temp plain h20. Dip plant gently & swirl gently in solution, rinse gently in cool/room temp plain h2o, hang to dry water from plant, then you can dry your bud as you normally would. The bud will be in the solution for 30 seconds at the very most.

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