Help identifying issue. Maybe light burn?

Hey all, just getting into week 7. And I think I may have went a little hard on the nutes.
Can anyone identify?

Leaves on longest top are a bit dry feeling.
Went under half dosage for fr trio.
Happy frog soil.
Sf1000 was 15” from top

Well if you got them this far I assume you are checking pH?

Haha yeah, sorry at work couldn’t go farther into detail. All feed/water is going in at 6.5. I backed my light up to 19” hopefully that helps. I’m running out of room in my 2x2 light is maxed out.
Should I flush?

I’m no expert so I don’t know what is going on tbh. Someone more knowledgeable will be along, but with certain nutrients you want to be sure to flush your plant from time to time. For instance if I normally water 2 liters, every few waterings I water 4 liters. This combats salt build up.

Other things to consider are if you are pHing at the right step. For example I pH after I add silica, Jacks Part A, Epsom Salt, and Jacks Part B. Then pH, then add my additives like FishSh!t and Recharge. If I pHed after adding the additives, the pH would actually be out of wack.

Have you ever tested your runoff, or done a slurry test?

Also what do the bottom leaves look like? If the bottom leaves are getting messed up too, then you have an issue with mobile nutrients, nutrients that the plant can easily take from other locations on the plant. If they bottom leaves are fine, then it is an immobile nutrient. Helps narrow it down.

I’m leaning on it being a Phosphorus issue though. Since you are in flower, probably gave more Phosphorus, and the damage looks pretty consistent with Phosphorus toxicity…

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I use ff trio, bud candy, and rhino skin. I usually do ph after mixing nutes.
It’s only on the top leaves.
Does phos toxicity make the leaves kind of dry?
My runoff was at 1200 last week.
And slurry always came back with a low ph, apparently happy frog is known for this

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If feeding ff and going into week 7 u should be getting ready to flush right or did u already ?

Not knowing what your growing in but maybe a lock out situation, I’m new ran into as well and my ppm where way high like 1800 I forgot but way up there, had what I think salt build up, that needed to be flushed out, I did the old school way 5 gallons pots 14 gallons of ph water each plant, the 1 gallon of re charge went in last. Maybe this might help best of luck


If you are using FF nutes, I am pretty sure you need to flush… Salt buildup probably. Unfortunately I don’t really know how you would go about doing that though. I personally would just flush it with like, 3x the amount of water you usually use and test your runoff. Again though, I am NO EXPERT. Highly recommend you wait for some others to chime in and either confirm/deny. I am just now starting to address nutrient issues myself and don’t trust my own advice yet.

Also are you watering till you get runoff?
I would look into Jacks 321 formula as well. It is WAY more cost effective than FF nutrients.


I’m seeing nitrogen burn and a p or k lockout. This is why I assume the nutrient line calls for such frequent flushes. Never seen it like this. But I definitely see both. If I didn’t know your nutrient line called for excessive flushes I would recommend a heavy flush the pH adjudted feed with atleast 100% runoff. But this is a known feed system so I’d follow it to a T. Or get a more forgiving nutrient line. I also use jacks in my coco grows. RB’s in soil. RB’s is strong stuff tho. Doesn’t require flushing. But going too much can be somewhat unforgiving.

Less is being found to be more though. across all lines. Jacks ratio is on the low end. I use my own variation technically. Which is close to the common.


If u r using FF Tiger Bloom, Grow Big and Big Bloom, you should be giving them 1/2 doses. It’s strong stuff.

You should be checking and adjusting the ph of every water/feed after adding nutes. If your ph is outta wack you could have a nute lockout.


I have a gelato next to it that’s on the same feeding schedule and is doing perfect. Guess it’s best at up taking more nutes. I’ll be flushing both plants tomorrow before it spreAds. This has been slowly happening over the last 3 days. But the plants has still be growing like crazy! That’s why I thought maybe light burn. But since some of the lower tops are kinda browning, I’m leaning towards nute issues.

Should I flush with just ph’d water? And begin with 1/4 dose nutes next week?

Also should I trim off the burnt leaves?

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Yes, I ph after I add nutes to water

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So I am to assume you don’t pH when not adding nutes. Do you know the stats on the water? Is it RO water? Tap water? If you are feeding with straight tap water you probably need to pH it depending on how contaminated it is. Not to mention if it has chlorine/chloramine in it!

Yes I do ph when just watering without nutes. Tap water. 200ppm after aerating for 48 hours

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:+1: Do you know if your area uses chlorine or chloramine though? If it is chlorine 48 hour aeration is good. If chloramine I don’t know if you can do anything to get it out other than filtering. :man_shrugging:

Do you have a TDS or EC meter of some kind? If I were you I would flush with straight 6.5 pH water and test the runoff as you go. Making sure to get a reading on the first bit of runoff since this will give us a good idea of what the ppm/ph was at before flush.

Again, I am still new to addressing nutrient issues.

What do you think about this one @Hellraiser ? Need a flush?


Yep, with FF nutes really need to do the scheduled flushes.

I’d flush with at least 3 gals of ph’d water at 6.5 and then feed 1/2 strength with last half gal, don’t want to leave her hungry after a flush.


@Hellraiser is the homie. Used your nutrients. Couldn’t think of better help. You’re like state farm. In good hands.

Edit. Also @Dankloud I did a quick scroll before posting. After reading I see he’s giving some good info too. But you’re covered. As I’ve not used that line. Not the one to ask really.


He’s my go to for plant help lol. I just try not to bug him too much :yum:

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Between his threads and many other resources I’ve not ran into more than a few problems I didn’t know what to do immediately. Which he was there for all three of those times. Lol

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Thank you for this, I flushed with 5 gallons of water last night, and finished off with 1/2 gallons at 1/4 strength! Your input is always appreciated.
I also raised my lights a few inches, and turned it down to 85% for a couple of days moving forward.

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