After my babies bounced back from root bound, dark(and shinier) spots shows this morning, along with purple stem and leaf tips appear burnt. Done a lot of research, looks like phosphorus deficiency, but the dark spots are not start from bottom, it’s on fan leaves only.
Feel free to correct my grammar too, i’m learning English HARD:nerd_face:
Strain; OG Kush
PH of runoff :6.2-6.8
Nutrient? Advanced nutrients PH PERFECT
Indoor or Outdoor - indoor
Light system, size -LED 280W
Humidity; 30-50%
Temps; 78-90°F
Here are some pics form just one day after what you saw above, looks really bad.
The third pic is my most healthy baby, so we can tell the purple stem is definitely something wrong.
What fans are you running, are they oscillating? I notice a few fingers on the fan leaces are curling down, the same as mine, I believe this is wind burn/strength. There are so many differemt symptoms so diagnosis can be difficult. Just keep a close eye on your girls and report any changes.
Looks like the roots aren’t happy to me either because of transplant shock or over watering and when the roots aren’t happy then they won’t take up nutrients very efficiently which can lead to deficiencies
I don’t know because i don’t know what’s causing your deficiency, of that’s what it Is. Is it your pH being off? are your roots having issues? Are you overwatering or is your fertilizer content in the soil too high? I don’t know what’s causing it so I can’t tell you what to do plus it’s been a long time since I’ve grown in soil.