Hellraiser grows Zkittlez and Banana Kush in coco with Jacks 321

I’m going to 5 gal fabric pots from the solo cups for this grow, probably in another 7-10 days at this growth rate.


You like them to almost get root bound at each stage right?


Yes, the more roots the better (to a certain point) before a transplant, helps keep the rootball intact while pulling it out of the pot. It’s the main reason I’ve never had a problem during transplants as the worst thing that can happen is insufficient roots and the rootball falls apart resulting in root damage and loss which results in “shock” and slow growth - which never happens to me.


Hey Bud tag me in would ya? When the room is done and i start another grow, I’ll have to use all AN nutes I bought! Hopefully I can figure them out. I noticed last night that the recipe page doesnt work when you try to choose what type grower you are (beginner, advanced) whatever. I’m sure I’ll have a few questions next year!!! Thanks for all the info you share @Hellraiser !


I used AN for about 6 years so won’t be forgetting how to use it anytime soon, so I can support ya with it. The AN nutrient calculator seems to be working fine for me, the grower levels only work for the bloom version of the nute line, no grower levels for the grow version, maybe that’s throwing you off.


Calling it now. Coco + Jacks 321 is growing the plants faster than using potting soil and Advanced Nutrients.

A pic from this morning, ridiculous growth for 8 day old sprouts, they grew considerably from yesterday. Amazing growth rate, specially when you factor in my lousy VPD of over 2.


That’s some big elephant ears on those plants!


Would you already have been adding AN this early on?

If so, what would you do? Is Jacks super gentle or just using small amts? Questions for you sir…


Yes, I would have hit them with a little AN grow nutes and Voodoo Juice and B52 by now. Sprouts that get nutes grow faster than sprouts that don’t.

You often hear sprouts don’t need nutes for first 2 or 3 weeks or until the cotlydons go yellow, sure they can survive without nutes for that time but they grow faster with some nutes from the beginning.

Seems Jacks is gentle enough to use from the beginning, the coco was expanded with full strength Jacks, first couple waterings was just straight RO since I felt the Jacks in the Coco was enough nutes for the seedling, last watering was full strength Jacks, now I’m watching the plants and will alternate RO and Jacks as I feel is needed for the next week or so, after that it will be full strength Jacks at every watering.


Don’t know how I missed this: set to watching.


Ok good to know :pray:t4: - i’ve only grown clones outdoors so you’ll have to excuse the noob sprout question(s)

Been wanting to crack into the Root and Grow nutes, next watering it is!


Wow @Hellraiser :star_struck: Those seedlings are growing so fast! I’d love to tag along on this grow!


5 of these were planted on the 1st, 1 was 4 days ago. Coco and jacks full strength from the get go at every watering:

My fear now is that they are going to get too big for the little cabinet before I harvest the others :confused:


Snap their necks and dont let them make the rules!!


Here they are this morning, day 10.


Prediction…they’re about to explode


At this grow rate, think I’ll just transplant this weekend into their final 5 gal fabric pots, give their roots room to explode.

Loving the coco and the Jacks!


Can’t argue with that growth rate so far…

That 3-leafer is a trip!


Have you been feeding everyday?


No, not yet. Expanded the coco with full strength Jacks, then first couple waterings was just RO water as I figured there are plenty of nutes in the coco. After 2 waterings with RO, I did a watering with Jacks, then another RO water only just yesterday. I don’t feel daily watering/feeding is required just yet, but getting close as they do need to be watered every other day now and all future waterings will be with full strength Jacks.

It’s going to be hard for me to get past the mindset of “Don’t water if it’s still wet” but I’m not letting the coco dry out anywhere near as much as if I was in potting soil, but I’m not keeping it saturated either.