Have my buds gone bad?

Like the title says, Are my buds bad? I just took a hit of a new batch of joints that I made with this plant and it tasted like mildew. I immediately stopped and checked the remaining buds

Their smell is still the same and not bad or moldy. I can’t really tell if my bud is discolored. Theyve been kept in a vacuum-sealed mason jar and have been cured since September. I’ve only opened it maybe 1 or 2 times at the most between that time

Please help

Buds were stored at what humidity level?
Vacuum sealed with RH monitored ?
How was original hang, sweat, cure, and store?
Time table?
All factors mentioned influence cured buds.
Fall 2022, I cured great (dry summer/fall, forest fires)
Fall 2023, I got mold ( Been raining since Sept, ending grow season).
Hanging bud had no air flow for a day and molded.
Not to mention, I gor aphids, Fall 2023, and maybe now.
USB Microscope and determine, cull or keep, daily.

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I can say that I didn’t monitor the RH when I vacuumed the jar.
But the jars are in a cabinet but the humidity is around 55% to 70%.
The hang was outdoors in open air for 5 days.
The cure was very fragrant and burped for a couple days at first for the 30 day cure

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Original hang precluded with washing with H2O/H2O2?
USB Microscope pictures? x1500?
I throw out so much I am embarrassed.



Microscope yes then its for sure. @808Dredd they do a good job of showing mold if its there.

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Where I’m at it’s high rh outside especially at night. That could be what did it. If it tastes like mildew it probably is.

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The only thing I see in those pics is a tiny spot that might be web mold.

I have had a bag go sour and have a bad flavor before. It aged way too long before bagging it up and just didn’t cure well. Made fine edibles.
What’s the overall smell of the buds as is?


I’ll probably take a look today with my microscope. I wasn’t really in my right mind when I smoked lol

I broke apart the joint but didn’t really see anything but the smell is normal. Nothing out of the ordinary

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Do have any picture examples of what mildew/mold looks like on cured buds under a microscope, when it is not visible to the naked eye, like instances of “smelled” or


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No I don’t. I tried with just my phone but can’t really discern if what I’m seeing is mold. Maybe it’s time to invest in a real microscope to check for the future


I seen Dave’s pics, no I got none

Sorry to hear about your issues.

Hygrometers are your friend, from beginning to end. You can get cheap ones in bulk on Amazon. (Be careful- they will send you a pack all with batteries in and you have to pull batteries out of ones you dont use, or they just waste away.)

I found a chart that may be helpful. It shows the risk associated with mold growth based on temp and humidity.

Humidity below 65% has the least risk of ever growing mold. Anything higher start to increase risk, especially if warm temps are causing the jar to make its own little atmosphere.


Nice find on the chart. I like charts, gives me a quick reference anytime im in question. Thanks for sharing.

Love that chart…tents and jars are interesting environments for RH drama, that’s for sure.

Dave’s Nightmare exists to torture me, (me Dave)
No mold, fortunately.


Is that an aphid I see in the picture?

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if u arent smokin mold, than ur not doin it right. it’s the best, dont u just love when that happens?

Picture from last month.
Aphid removal plan invoked.
Ladybugs doing the work, originally.
Most are dead or gone after a month.
More organic Hunter-Killer Trained Ladybugs, next month.


Scope thru the plant as much as u can and pluck them off if u see them dead or alive so when u wash and harvest u won’t have so many carcasses on the plant. Went to dispo to cop an oz cuz I’m out. Got home smoking one aunt says what’s weed look like under ur scope. Bad idea. Lol. Didn’t even smoke the rest of the bag one joint gone out bag too. Lol. First bud on the stand 3 dead carcasses on the bud. Yuk I paid for bugs. Lol

I’ve scoured through a bunch of buds and the only thing to note are these pictures. I haven’t seen any cloudiness or webbing. The smell is still the same as when I jarred them. Is it a possibility of bad wraps?