Has anyone used a food saver to cure?

Thanks for getting back with me on this. It definitely will help me out. I have had a couple of grows and seem to be doing okay with the drying and curing but it seems like mine dries out a lot faster than most people are saying (that’s before I bag it and start curing). Someone told me to get a dehumidifier and set it to 40 but I think that is too dry cause mine was dry in just a few days. Not sure what the best humidity is for the drying process. I’m starting to think that about 60 to 70% might be a good place to start. I’ve read that most people have it hanging for about 7 to 10 days before its ready to start curing. To cure I have been just bagging and then putting in a jar and then opening and airing for a few days until it seems right.The food saver idea sound like a good one. I just want to be able to get as good of flavor and smell as I can get. Not to say that my buds weren’t tasty but I think I can do better.

I’m late to the party but I have a foodsaver with a jar attachment does a great job

I just had delivered a new hose attachment because I broke the old one, three bucks with free shipping! …great company at foodsaver.com

I’m sure that’s what I’ll end up getting. I think the little one has less power as well. In fact, It wasn’t designed to do lids but the hose fits. It was meant for the bags.

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Hey Matthew how was your first day being legal? LOL :sunglasses: :thumbsup:

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Pretty high, how about you? lol

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Pretty much the same I don’t want to step on this thread so I’m going to leave this link and then step out you gotta check this out it’s amazing


Looks yummy

I do mine in the jar in a bag I have a foodsaver that don’t take the jar connection :-1:t2: But it still works great :+1:t2:

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That is so awesome love the pictures man

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@DineyB my humidity is around 20% and it’s taking anywhere from 3 to 7 days for me to drive as well depending if I do it branch by branch or if I hang the whole plant and then do it branch by branch after I do a major trim of the whole plant For 3-5 days then depending on how wet it is still his trim my branches up and hang them for a couple more days to make sure the kind of crunchy I don’t like my stems to snap I don’t like it but dry But since I let it out of the jar and out of the bag because I take a ball jar filled up lid on it sucked they’re out of it through a bag five to seven days to cure what do you I had asked because I had the food saver setting around for over a decade And when I started the question on this I was shocked and by golly it works great that was the hillbilly in me for all you city guys lol


@garrigan62 will I was wondering if you could answer question for me about my extra seats I have them separated in film containers in the basement which is about 65 all year in the dark how long do you think that will last before I need to refrigerate them thanks hog ( for anyone who wants to chime in and knows the answer normally don’t keep them over the winter time because I normally don’t indoor grow but now that I do thanks everyone else )

@Paranorman you got a bud to enter this month

No, I have no ilgm plants growing right now :seedling::seedling::seedling::seedling::seedling:


Thanks for the info. I am def going to try this.

Have only been using these 4 days now and they are working out great for me starting to get that stinky stank smell fired up already figure about probably 10 days total for the vacuum cure .

Put a half gallon milk jug by them for size contrast


Oldstoner im jealous of them jars :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

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Who makes those @Oldstoner
If you already said sorry for making answer again

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@Countryboyjvd1971 a company called home above I got them on amazon they are actually doing a pretty good job . Did one just sealed not vacuumed and it still smells like hay where the ones under vacuum are getting stinky and I put the other one under . I like them and when it is all the way cured I will stick it in Mason jars and toss a Bovida 62 in for long term storage . Was going to use these but not sure about bovida packs vacuum sealed


Nice I’ll look them up on Amazon then thanks
I’ve never used the packs so I can’t help you there
I have a food sealer but my model can’t do the jars so this looks like a good option
:grinning::+1::v: very cool


Just put the jars inside of the bags and vacuume that way but. I believe that’s how @Soilgrowth does it cause he doesn’t have a jar attachment.