Harvest time - first grow!

ILGM Forum Community. It is difficult to thank so many people, and I will inevitably forget someone.

That being said, I honestly do not think that I would have arrived to this point without the help and the sharing of knowledge and experiences from so many. I learned, and continue to learn, so much from reading posts. Thank you @Cannabian @Tinman @Pakalobo @Hellraiser @BigC @patchman @Zee @NugFlush @Myfriendis410 @Covertgrower and the many others who shared! Thank you. What a community of support. Will only let me mention 10 posters! :crazy_face: :thinking:

kellydans, jetlag, beardless, Dennis62, T-Roy, scowners, JohnG… :call_me_hand:t3:

After nearly 17 weeks since I wrapped that first seed in a wet paper towel, I cut down my first grow early this morning - Blueberry and Amnesia Haze.

While not the biggest buds you’ll see on this site, at least it’s something!

Blueberry - Main Bud

Drying Box:

The AMN was all around much smaller. I think not bad for first time in 1/2 gallon pots from Pot 4 Pot.

Once again, thank you.

Stay well, safe and medicated!

When does the second grow begin? :smile:


Looks great! Nice job of growing those buds.


Very nice work! You got this down!


Congratulations ! a stash for the upcoming fall colors.



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Very nice, they are beautiful

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Very nice! Thats a great looking bud! Something to be proud of for sure! On your next grow you can improve on what you learned this time! Good job!

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Much appreciated all. Definitely going to enjoy those fall afternoons on the back deck even more!

I will continue learning and try to pass on what I learn to others.

Be well.

Happy growing! :call_me_hand:t3:


Isn’t it a trip how soon you start thinking about the next grow? I am acquiring what I need for grow #2, which is pretty much everything. Ordered my light, getting a taller tent, gonna order soil, fan & filter. Dang!! Not addicted to pot, but I am addicted to growing it!


Congrats on the harvest :+1: :v:

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Looking good , great job , congrats on your harvest

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Close to the end of my first grow, and hope my end result looks like yours… You did a great job.
High Ho High Ho it’s off to our second grow.

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Enjoy it my dude and I hope you keep on growing :call_me_hand:t4:

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any thing that goes into a jar is a win


Exactly :+1: :tumbler_glass: :v:

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Sowing well and reaping same. Nice!

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Happy anniversary :fireworks: :firecracker: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :tumbler_glass: :+1:t2: :v:t2:

I am embarrassed, you remembered. :candle:

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