First grow! Almost there

First time grower here and let me say I was EXTREMELY under prepared. It has been an awesome learning experience so far and I have made mistakes but nothing these beauties couldn’t bounce back from. In the pics I have two ILGM blueberry autos and the thin lanky one is a ILGM amnesia haze auto. The amnesia haze had a rough start but has powered through it somehow. Enjoy the pics.


Just to clarify, the bottom photo is the Amnesia Haze and the other pics are of the two blueberrys

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As a first time grower, too, extremely under prepared would describe it. It is a shift of direction almost daily. But I am finding the plants, even finicky Wedding Cake, seems very forgiving.

Best of luck on your grow!


You are 100% right that these plants are very forgiving because even after all my mistakes the two blueberries are doing great and about ready to harvest!


Ditto on first time grower. I am still amazed my ladies haven’t died or hermed.


I’m a first time grower and I’m at week 5 in the flowering stage. Can anyone tell me how these look

They look good and will really fatten up.

Getting ready to chop these 2

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Omg that’s insane. What kind is that

Amnesia Haze auto. It’s only 13” tall and all bud. I think tomorrow morning she will be chopped down.

The one with the water bottle is AK47 auto. Her days are numbered as well