I have never had 1 plant smell like hay and I’ve
grown my fair share.
Well I could be wrong
But I’m pretty sure I’m not
While drying ?
You do get that hay smell when drying but alot of people flush there plants and let them go yellow before they harvest so the hay smell isnt there
I grow organic in super soil I don’t flush could be a possibility yet people say don’t flush organic soil pointless I guess
These two are great people !!
Two of the finest America has to offer
I have to say both my harvests reeked.
I cut the plant whole and hung it upside down in the garage and it reeked up the entire house in under 10 minutes …
I have read many people say that their weed even tastes like ass …and put it down only to have them 2 days later say it’s getting stank…lol Poor Gary
I also dried mine in a cardboard box with a pc fan and carbon filter vents and that even stunk a bit at first …but that smell went away .once I started curing it just slowly comes back and with avengence !! Lol
Theres quite a few people that do flush when using organics they mite not flush as much as people who use bottled nutrients
Yea it’s one of those things in growing where its just opinions for days and no real study’s done. Alot of stoner confirmation bias
I read a few articles and read a podcast on both points of view at the end of it I was like well I guess I can’t go wrong by flushing or not flushing lol
The only thing when flushing with organics u have to start abit earlier then what u have to with bottled nutrients coz of the slow release nutrients
Pinch one of the buds right under your nose. Might smell like it’s supposed to. If it does curing properly should recover the good smell.
Nope…I have yet to smell hay while growing, drying and curing marijuana.
In cigars I have. Usually the tobacco was pulled early aka before it could mature. Some do it by choice. Like a natural cigar by Davidoff. I mean non Cuban cigar brand.
Of course you do, because Cuban cigars are illegal and we are all law abiding citizens
No worries buddy that’s completely normal the smell will go away as you cure I did want to give you a piece of advice tho that really helped me get my cure down it’s like others said it’s the make or break part of the process so after the product is dry I test the humidity/moisture content of the bud and once it’s in the 58-62% range or the 10-12% moisture content I cure the product in GroveBags terploc bags. I literally can’t say enough good things about them there’s a thread here on the forum all about them dispensaries and legal grow ops us them to cure their product because it takes the burping process out of the equation plus in just two weeks you get a better cure than over a month in jars. I use them and I’ve had such great results that I will never use anything else to cure. Bud comes out exactly like you put it in no matter how long it’s been in the bag, takes up less space than jars, and cost less than jars.
Okay but really.
This is the solution for funky smelling buds. My Lemon Tree came off the plant smelling like, and I quote, “molding cucumber or something.” Not quite hay but weird no doubt. Makes sense - plant death chlorophyll and all that.
Hung to dry and she’s going right into Grove Bags. I’ve done a couple test runs and have about 2g curing in a tiny one right now to see how it smokes after a week of cure. No funky smell at all - no burping - and best of all, my weed smells like weed again after zipping the bag and forgetting about it for 7-10 days.
You can buy Cuban cigars outside the USA and bring them in. Up to 100 cigars. You just can’t buy them in the USA or sell them.
Good to know
Personally I can’t stand cigars but maybe it’s because I’ve never had a Cuban
I used to go to England quite a bit and I’d pick up some Cubans while there. I did have a Customs agent at Newark find them once, but he just looked at me and smirked. Didn’t say a word and let me go on my way with the cigars. lol. This was back before you were allowed to import them.