Gold Leaf, cloned branches and rooted top, 1 became 6

Main plant in 7gal soil, cut it above 3rd node, rooted 4th and 5th node limbs and put the 4 in coco in 5gal spring pots, rooted top in got it in 1gal bag of coco for now.

I didn’t intend to have so many Gold leafs but the main plant grew so fast it got away from me before I could take some clones and well I didn’t want to throw all the extra branches away so here we are.

It’s going be an interesting one.


That is very impressive @1HappyPappy . 1 became 6

Goin’ watch this one. Interested in the timing of harvest.
Feminized? Auto?


Thats 1st world pothead problems if I ever seen em! Haha isnt it amazing when you realize growing pot is more addictive then smoking it?!? :rofl: Enjoy your new babies


They are Feminized Photo periods.
I actually just cut 2 branches off the main plant and will have it in a 3x3 by this weekend and go ahead and shape it up and flip it next week or so.
I’ll veg the rest out in the big 4x6 till it’s full is kinda the plan at this point I think.

First time with this strain so I’m a little nervous if I’m being honest. I got no others to amount to much going so I need this to work out :sweat_smile:


Well you certainly took advantage of that one bean. I bet you will do just fine and I will enjoy the grow. Probably be starting my journey in late April… Just learning for now. :love_you_gesture:


I hadn’t even thought of it that way.
Should have named the thread “2 tents 1 bean” :rofl:


I have 10 beans of that Gold Leaf photo. After re-reading the profile on the strain again, thinking i will plant a couple maybe three outside sometime in April. Just to see how tall and tough they will get…Bergman sure likes his strain.

Well be well and hook up some Bob Marley in the background as you work on those plants. :love_you_gesture:


Hello nmgeo im also from new mexico!! Good to see a fello new mexican here!!


Hi there @BRANDON4REAL … Let’s Go…
Love that nick brother.

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Turned auto pots on today so hopefully smooth sailing with the 4 branches.
Everything else just moving along.
I did cut 2 more branches of the main plant a few days ago, I’ll cut more and flip it this weekend i hope.


Very nice… You are headed into automation too, :v: :smile:


Trying to make thing’s simple as possible.
I think I will order more trays and float valves from autopot and use this method exclusively if it works out for me the way I see others.
Im impressed with their patented valves but their 5gal fabric pots are barely 4gal, the reservoir is basically a 12gal trash can that they say is 12½ gal.
Idk what they use to measure but it’s a bit off :joy:

But buy their trays and valves, use my own grow bag’s whatever size I want, and make my own large reservoir from a 25gal trash can for a fraction of the cost of their 25gal tanks.


The pictures last night right after water and lights out they look sad.
Today is much better :relieved:

I topped the top :grin:


Prepared main plant to flip in couple days after recovery from all the material I took, and topped cloned branches.
I think i may put the cloned top in a 3gal bag and flower it with the main plant and fill the 4x6 with the branches.


Main plant now in closet on 12/12.
Branches and top starting to grow.


That mother plant looks really good… U have a canopy of buds there.


Feb, 19- changed reservoir and moved things around. I’m really liking the autopots and coco coir :grin:


Feb, 21- So i believe they liked the res change.
At this rate couple more weeks veg and it be game time :grin:


Looking nice in there… All auto-pot fed?


Just the 4 in the fabric pots with a blue ring around the top.
Although the “cloned top” in the bag planted it a pot, and the little clone in the 1gal fabric pot are waterd from the autopots reservoir by hand so not constant fed… the largest one in black 5gal fabric pot is the mother of the smallest one in the 1gal pot. All the others are clones from same Gold leaf mother.

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