I’m working on my 3rd grow, and for the first time I have a BAD gnat infestation. I’ve tried fly strips, apple cider vinegar, and just cannot get rid of them. I’ve also tried diluted peroxide to kill any eggs but I just cannot get them to go away!
Any ideas or solutions? Any advice would be amazing!
growers Ally pest
works amazing I had the same problem with the same soil . This wiped them and the eggs out https://a.co/d/ehtxzgT safe and organic safe at all stages
The ones in flower l use no pest strips. Heck I use them if not in flower. Also a bug zapper is an option so you don’t have to spray flowers. That is actually what I’m switching to. Haven’t had them long enough to know how it’s going to work. Soaking misquote bits and watering with them is an option to get rid of larva in soil.
If you use the no pest strips. Do it for long enough to kill a whole cycle from egg to adult. Do not want to creat flys that are immune to them. Also can not use them in living area or some place that is occupied 4 hours a day. Mine are in garage under house just like the basement. Best thing I have seen because it goes through the fan gets into enclosed parts of lights. Just gets everywhere. I was at a point I through them in the tent from veg to harvest. Never seen any kind of live bug. I don’t like spraying anything on a plant. Switching to the bug zappers because I never see bugs.
I do keep my house exterminated with transport mikron and gentrol. That mixture kills everything. I don’t use it where it even has a chance of getting on plants though.
Read about what you are going to do and make a decision from there.
Buy this product here it is the same thing as Mosquito Bits but significantly more concentrated use .5ml per gallon of water and drench the soil this will 100% kill off adults and babies and only takes 1-2 applications ive tried multiple other products and NOTHING works like this does https://a.co/d/ewgDJsy
Idk why my brain couldn’t think of the term larva lmao but yes this is hands down the best product on the market thats 1 safe for the plants and the consumer and also wipes Gnats TF out without hesitation lol