Fungus gnats and almost harvest time

I’ve been fighting a losing battle against these little buggers, but now it time for war! I’ve tried those yellow stickies and waiting for the soil to be dry before watering, but they won’t quit. I’m at week 6 in flower. What’s the safest, mosquito bits or peroxide? I have a pretty bad infestation, but I don’t want to be smoking chemicals i the end. Any suggestions?


I have seen a member post about using milk to get rid of them.
Claims it is good nutrition for the flowering plants also.
I use a dry cal/mag and scratch it in the surface, it seems to keep them from getting a start. My last bag of soil had the added bonus of gnats, but the scratch put an end to them.
Also it took me a few grows before I learned how not to overwater. I use a meter and only water when the bottom of the bag starts to show below the middle of the meter.

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Mosquito bits are simply a natural bacterium sprayed onto ground up corn cob. The bacteria is lethal to mosquito and fungus gnat larva. I bought a quart sized container about 5 years ago and it still works fine. I treat my rain barrels a few times a year. You need to treat the soil for a couple weeks but it will knock them down. Its not a poison so its safe for your plants.


That would be @yoshi who uses milk after seeing his posts I do that too half a cup of milk per gallon I believe it works sounds crazy but if it works I’m good I heard of milk duds now milk buds


Neem sprayed on soil daily along with DE


I have got rid of them using diluted hydrogen peroxide on the soil. In addition i use diatomaceous earth on top of the soil.

Zero infestation since then


Cinnamon works

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I herd cooling the room and removing humidity can slow them down … I’m not one to give advice

Mosquito bits and Captain Jack’s dead bug


What is the name of what you bought. I don’t have a problem. Just want to get it out there.

Captain Jacks dead bug

Agree with @Spiney_norman mosquito bits… best thing to kill those little :poop:

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Fastest you say? Any bug spray you got, i used some roach and ant spray my last run to nip it in the but.
That is if you’re not afraid of chemicals near your weed like some.
I spray the tops of the soil till apears just barely damp all over, does not take much. And any fly lands in it is dead period :rofl:

This is what I have


Good Morning @Valk25 I have only had fungus gnats once. I saw where someone said putting sand on top of your soil would help get rid of them. I had some sand left over from my pool filter so I put it on top. I might have just gotten lucky but between that and the sticky traps they were gone. Good Luck and Happy Growing :blush::v:

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I second or third Capt Jacks Deadbug and mosquito bits in the soil. You can use Capt Jacks up to harvest, just do a peroxide wash before hanging to dry.


Captain jacks is not labeled for fungas gnats. I would try Insecticidal super soap with mosquito bits or Spinosad with some yellow sticky traps for the adults.
Sand on the soil also helps… the sand dries much faster than soil so the media is less of an attraction

Yeah , those things can be a bummer. Mosquito bits work an home depot has the product on shelf. Good luck


I seem to have a constant population of these flying around the base of my grows. I use stickys, and bits. Also usually usemilk. This grow stickys only and im not overrun. As logn as the plants arent being oimpacted by them i havnt gotten overly concerned. Maybe there is such a thing as a healthy population. Im not sure they dont insome way contribute to a healthy rootzone. Just something i thought of when i saw this thread. I havnt done anything in my 6x8 grow about the gnats there.