Fungus Gnats - Bug Blaster? Root Protector? BT?

  1. Are either bug blaster or root protector good against fungus gnats?

  2. If no, should I be using BT or hydrogen peroxide? Quantities?

  3. Are any/all of the above safe to use during flowering (a little over two weeks out from harvest)?

  4. I accidentally sprayed some bug blaster on a few flowers. Should I go back and spray water or something on them or are they okay? Already planning a bud wash at harvest.

Sorry for all the questions. Any assistance greatly appreciated!

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From here on out I wouldn’t spray anything on the buds that isn’t safe to use til harvest. Captain jacks dead bud. Dr zymes r 2 that r safe til harvest but I’d still stop days early if u can and water out what u can. Do a good bud wash for sure. Fung gnats I had once and had to loosen everything I could on top the pot and suck it out with a shop vac and replace with new. Don’t harm roots but light s rape whatever I can loose and suck it out. Do a treatment Incase that didn’t get everything which should get most of not all the. Replace with new soil/coco and give a feeding that’s my opinion from when I had them


Fungus gnats thrive in moist soil. Allow your soil to dry out good a few cycles. That will kill the larvae. Get some cheap sticky fly hang traps to catch the adults. Mosquito bits soaked in water for about 6 hours then water in will help also.


what he above said.
sticky traps and let the top couple inches dry


Bt as soil drench for larvae and sticky traps for the fliers. That is recipe for success regarding fungus gnats.


I would cover topsoil with a washed sand that to prevent bugs access to organic material they need in soil. You can also use Diatomaceous Earth to top your soil as this will kill them peat too.
Aside from that a neem oil product can be applied to plant, soil and surface areas of grow room.
Hydrogen Peroxide can also be used to clean surface area and wash plants.
Circulation fans should be used to keep the air circulating 24/7.
But, number one with a bullet for me is a bug zapper inside my tent. Been using this for the past few years in addition to beneficial microbes and a clean grow room.
Buzbug Electric Bug Zapper Indoor, Upgraded UV-LED Light, Modern and Stylish Insect Killer,Fly Trap Up to 2000 Sq Ft, Fly Mosquito Insect Zapper for Home Kitchen Restaurant Bakery Balcony Patio Office


:slight_smile: Newbie12345 G’day mate forget about it,if there there they are there,they do not eat ya plant anyway,relax.if ya got a good root zone it be sweet.:slight_smile: sticky traps or nothing it not matter,they not eat the plant :slight_smile:

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Someone from way back on here suggested spoiled milk, look it up using the search tab

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Use beneficial nematodes. Available thru Amazon and/or Biologic.
Nematodes eat gnat larva in the soil and are safe for your plants and you.

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