Give it to me straight, Doc

Are these the dreaded Nana’s??? If so will I make it to harvest due to them only being 3ish weeks into flower??? Sheesh I’m​:face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage:

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Nope. What do your flowers look like?


A nanner will show on the flowers typically. If hermies you will know. Cant miss it. Looks just fine. A pic of whole plant is always helpfull.




Plants look good, I see nothing to be worried about. Happy growing :v:


Looks good to me too. Nice looking plant.


Here’s some naners before they open.

I cut them and punt in zip lock baggies…
Until these are ready.


Just wanted to thank everyone for their input… Thnx Guys


Here is a picture of a nanner (thanks for the glamour shot @Smiley1) I found using the search tool.

This is very typical. The nanners are usually up in the tips to tops of a developed bud. They have no petioles (petals) like developed male or hermaphroditic flowers. All that’s left is a stamen (male pollen organ) standing up in the bud. It is phallic or looks like a lil banana rather than a lil dong. Male flowers have the full petioles.
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Nope your good. Nanner will pop out of bud itself literally looks like a tiny banna bunch under scope.

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She looks a little hungry to me if anything. Lime green leaves all over indicate too little nutrients. What was your runoff ppms and pH last feeding?

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Tbh I don’t check anything or feed weekly. Just water & watch… Right before I flipped to flower I top dressed but it was a lil light. Since, I’ve added a couple teas but nothing else. But I haven’t added anything like nitrogen tho. Just castings & molasses. Now In week 6 or very near to I’m scared to add more 284 since it won’t kick in to around week 7/8. Any suggestions???

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Lets see if @OGIncognito can assist in getting you in the right direction. Im not familiar with this feeding practice.

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Now In week 6 or very near to I’m scared to add more 284 since it won’t kick in to around week 7/8. Any suggestions???

I’m not familiar with the nutrient line you’re using but you could mix the 284 in a gallon of water and feed for faster absorption?? Read the package labeling and see if this is doable. Agree with @PhatPat. Showing nutrient deficiencies in the pale yellowing leaves. Would recommend checking the 284 to see if the needed secondary /micro nutrients are included. You may need to supplement some of those if they’re not :love_you_gesture: