Getch357 First Grow Journal

Not a problem understood I dont want to cause any issues and that code does not work when the lights are on sale anyways. but all good i appreciate the effort from others again sorry if i caused any issues for anyone not my intent :wink:

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@Bulldognuts @Covertgrower @NeoGroR @kdawg @MrPeat @dbrn32 and any others so I have a question againā€¦lolol but I use f.f. ocean forest soil and usually use this in conjunction with a raised bed soil mix but I am looking for a better soil I have read some and thought about living soil but just donā€™t know enough yet about it to do it with confidence. so I was thinking of using my ff ocean forest and adding composted horse manureā€¦has anyone done this? or do u all have another rich soil mixture I can try? I really donā€™t feel comfortable with the coco coir or pro mix and just want to try to stay with soil till I learn more. anyone out here have any mixtures that are proven they could chime in here and help? it would be greatly appreciated :wink: :+1:

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Define better please?

Coco and peat are not really soil, more like soilless. Personally, I donā€™t like fox farms and would prefer roots organics from Aurora. But that may be opposite of what youā€™re trying to do.


well like i said ive always done a 70/30 mixture with ff ocean forest being 70 and raised bed organic soil being 30. but i want to improve my soil for better results so ive found this horse manure compost that i was thiking of incorporating into the ff ocean forest instead of the raised bed soil and was wondering if anyone else uses manure and what are the positives or negatives of using it. I just want to get a really rich soil mixture that will help my girls. if i could afford (maybe someday i was thinking hydroponics but I just dont have the capital or the knowledge YET!!!) lolol but hopefully sometime

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Before mixing anything with anything first carefully check the percentage of and which nutes are in each soil. Iā€™d never randomly mix two soils without doing a little research on their ingredients first. I wonā€™t use horse manure even on my vegetable garden. You want processed cow manure. Youā€™ll get a lot of weeds etc. in horse crap. Living soil take an entirely different set of talents, a lot of research and once you start building it it will take maybe 6 months before its ready to use.


cropped from BOM entry picture

@Getch357 That looks like a pollen sac to me.

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My thoughts on FFOF ā€¦ fox farm engineered it. Itā€™s pretty dialed in for what it is.

If you want to push your plants harder, Iā€™d suggest you look into soilless grow. Then You control the inputs 100%. Itā€™s working for me.

I totally respect the living soil grows. Lots of info on them. Unfortunately I donā€™t have much. I think a guy named Rhizo Rich did a living soil comparison. Google it. Also, if youā€™re in the Midwest, check out Detroit Nutrients water only soil mix. Supposedly itā€™s good from start to finish.


ya Iā€™m not sure but she has already been harvested and none of my others have any signs so either way Iā€™m goodā€¦could be but she did take 11 weeks to flower and buds were on the smaller side but she is super, super sticky with triā€™s smooth smoke and great high so Iā€™m pleased I will watch my others but they were just entering flower when i harvested this one so hopefully all in all she was good havenā€™t seen any seeds but good looking out I appreciate it :+1:

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Yeah at eleven weeks itā€™s not unheard of to see a pollen sac or three. And seeds arenā€™t the end of the world. This is seeded:

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geeze looking greatā€¦if u dont mind me asking what do u have for lights and are u growing inside in soil or ??/

This is under an HLG 135 R-spec covering 24ā€x24ā€, and the plant is in 70/30 coco coir/perlite with Jackā€™s 321 solution + 29% peroxide at 3ml/gallon.

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@Bulldognuts Hello so i remember talking with you awhile back and you said (if I am remembering correctly) that you use jacks 321ā€¦so if I am do u have a link? I am getting low on my FF and decided to try the jacks but want to ensure i get the correct and all the nutes i need to replace my ff nutes so if u could help out with a link i would appreciate it. also it can be used in just soil correct? i found a few on a site but theres so many i just want to get the right stuffā€¦Thanks

You need Jackā€™s part a and part b You also need Epsom salt. You can purchase Part A and part B directly from Jacks website, canā€™t link it here. I can link Amazon, but itā€™s for a 25 pound bag. Itā€™s a good value but unless you are growing a lot of plants you really donā€™t need to buy that much. I bought 2 pound bags directly from Jacks and am on my third grow and still have plenty left. With the soil mixture I use I usually donā€™t start adding Jackā€™s or any nutrients until I start flower and ppmā€™s drop below 1000. If you go to Jackā€™s website you will see several options, like bloom and finish. I havenā€™t used any of the different options. All you really need is Parts A and B along with Epsom salt.

Hereā€™s a video on how to mix.


Thanks Brother I appreciate you putting it up here for me :ok_hand:

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so just thought i would share a few pics of my latest growā€¦there are 4 strawberry kush and 1 chronic widow and a really screwed up ww autoflower that is at 16 weeks now!! im just letting her go and see what happensā€¦can not for the life of me figure out what happened with this ww auto weird :thinking: so u should be able to figure out which one is the ww auto at 16 weeks weirdest thing ive evr seen im curious to see what happens with itā€¦lolol :crazy_face: :crazy_face:


@NeoGroR hello, so you said something before about your last few grows were light when you processed them and said u may have had your lights too bright. so what I am trying to figure out is I have some right now that seem to be very small the buds they arenā€™t even as big as a dime. Iā€™ve been watching them closely and they just donā€™t seem to be gaining weight I flipped lights about 1and a half months ago or maybe a month now and they just arenā€™t seeming to gain weight so what i need to know from you and anyone else who reads this is are you suppose to turn down brightness and intensity when u flip to emulate the sun getting shorter in the sky? does this tell the plants to grow her buds now? Im missing something and Ive asked this before but no-one ever answers me so please let me know what you all do some of my plants are over 125 days now :thinking: :thinking:

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When you flip your lights to 12/12 to flower that emulates less sunlight. Unless your using 1000 true watt lights you donā€™t want to turn them down any. Most folks turn theirs up for flower. On the more expensive lights some can be to much light for the plants when turned all the way up. Depends. Can you get us a pic of your plant? Show the whole plant if you can plus maybe a little closer up pic. I forgot what you ended up with for your lights. That info will help. :+1: I just looked up at your previous pics. A current one would help. How high are your lights from the top of the plants? How many actual watts at the wall do your lights use?

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the strawberry kush are measuring 35" tall lots of bud sights just very small and no i have no readings at all whenn bulldognuts put up a reminder to calibrate pens i did it and screwed mine up big time so new 1 coming friday and can add adings over weekend(upload://7IyVpEhe3kzN9MVl94exJidFcRF.jpeg) Hey Kdawg so watts pulling up to 270 i have 1 currently and am putting my 2nd hlg 300l rspec light in tomorrow morning. 4 plants are strawberry kush 1 is a chronic widow which today is 119 days ols and strawberry kush 91 days today and there is 1 ww autoflower that is 119 days old .weirdest thing ive ever seen just keeps growing white pistols :thinking: so here are a few recent pics

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I havenā€™t grown those strains yet so not familiar with them first hand. More white pistils usually means its still growing buds. Are you feeding full dose of nutes? Some strains are finicky and need more time. You canā€™t go by the breeders stated time. Typically the more buds on a plant the smaller they are. The lower buds usually stay small. Make sure none of the bud sites are being shaded. Adding the second light should help just keep an eye on them. You may need to up the nutes a bit. I did a 3 month veg that took almost that long to fully flower.

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@kdawg @Covertgrower @dbrn32 @Bulldognuts @NeoGroR and anyone else you all maybe able to tag in: so i got a chance to buy this
and It needs a pump. ive looked up whole system and its pricey but i can get everything but the pump pretty decently priced so what i need to know is what size pump does this require? does anyone use this type? how are they and i looked up pump its around 250 so with all said i can still get it decently priced but never done hydroponics before will this type work and how good are they? any info would be a big help please let me knowā€¦ :+1:

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