Getch357 First Grow Journal

@dbrn32 @MrPeat @Bulldognuts @kdawg @NeoGroR @Covertgrower ok for all that are following here so soil ff ocean forest and a raised bed soil mix (these 2 have done great together so far) its about a 75/25 mixture this plant is a chronic widow 2nd one grown for me 1st is just about ready no problems. im using fox farms 3 nutrients and cal mag at about 3/4 recomended dose for nute and 5 for cal mag. now i want to confess i haven’t been vigilant doing readings and heres why…so I understand the ppm and if she eats she has less than what goes in I check my ph before adding nutes but what i cant find and hoping someone will steer me in the right direction is if the nutes are lower but you are having a problem how the hell do u figure out whats missing?? like in this case if it needs zinc or anything for that fact. also the electrical soil tester i haven’t really figured out yet even though i had it for over a year now when i put it in the soil it always comes back where it should but after doing some reading some people say it has to stay in ground for so long…is this true?? o.k so a few pictures below are of her if u look at edge of leafs they look like a lime /electric green compared to the middle. so my plan of attack is a flush tomorrow night and then a new supply of nutes while i try to figure out the meter and look up a few other things, any and all help is always appreciated…also anyone know of a class (like what you would take ) to use and figure out these nutrient soil things in any plants? please let me know and thank you

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A flush might help. Flush well. 3/4 of fox farm nutes is still a lot.

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ya see was told in begining to go up to 3/4 and when i didnt they really got crazyso i will try to adjust just not sure why the electric green but if u look up zinc deficiency here on the site it looks exactly like my girl. and i remember reading about some of the strains i have thet certain ones love extra stuff like zinc etc…cant remember which ones and what but going to look up all my strains and see of any require extra things and make a journal for future reference :wink: oh and B.T.W this chronic widow vegged for about 10 weeks so ive got high hopes (no pun intended) for her :smile:

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@dbrn32 hey so could u check out this…im not sure if its good but here: Transcend TL-D200 remote phosphor coated grow lights Im not sure how old they are or if they run hot etc but thought u may know. the price doesnt seem bad and its said that below are the specs
Power Draw: 230 watts
Efficiency: >2.0 μmoles per watt
Output: 500 μmoles of photons per second
Peak PPFD at 18": 913 μmoles per square meter
Coverage at 18": 3’x3’ (high energy plants, >500 μmoles/m2)
Lifespan: 96,000 hours to 90% output
Voltage Input: 90-305 VAC
Weight: 20 pounds
Spectrum: 450nm-760nm
Beam angle: 60° to 150° (adjustable)
LED type: High power Philips Lumileds ES Royal Blue
let me know if u would and thank you again :+1:

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What is cost? They’re not great lights by current standards, and probably weren’t even middle of the line when they were new. Would probably still grow some weed tho.

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they were 250 each

You are approaching cost of qb kit, certainly in line with knock offs. Either are going to have better than 2.0 umol/joule

Hello so ive got it down to 2 lights to cover the rest of my 6x4x8 tent so im trying to cover the other side of the tent basically 4x4 area on the 1 side i have my hlg 300r spec and im trying to cover other side of the tent a 4x4 area so I could just go with another hlg r spec which would do it or this [Mars Hydro Mars TS 3000 Quantum Board Spectrum LED Grow Light – All Green Hydroponics mars-hydro-mars-ts-3000- I would really like your opinion as Im trying to really find my way here and lighting is still a bit of a mystery to me (even though im starting to get it a little :woozy_face: ) so I would really value your input here and appreciate your help :+1:

Personally, I would take hlg over mars light every time. Looking at what you are trying to do, hlg-350r may be better choice. But I still feel the hlg-300L would be better choice than mars light.


Thank you yes I agree i was leaning towards another hlg 300 I would reall like to get the hlg 550 V2 eco but just cant aford $650 right now so i will settle for another 300L…Maybe one day i can get the better lights :thinking: :thinking:

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Hello so i want to ask a question about the forum so i do not go outside the parameters…are we allowed to share our personal email address with another user and if so is there a 1on 1 way to do so? again I have not done this but was curious if it can be done without causing issues.


Negative. Sharing of personal information on the forum is not allowed. This includes other social media accounts, email, address, phone number, gaming applications, any other personal contact information, and attempting to meet in person.

Has been this way since before I was a member. I will link forum policy below.

Thanks for confirming this. I kind of figured that was the case. I did not want to make any mistakes. The reason I asked was I have some brand new tribus and silica I tried and did not like the results and Ive read some saying they were having a hard time getting it where they live so i was going to offer it for free to anyone who wanted it. It would be a shame to throw it away and because I live in illegal state i dont want to post on any sites :flushed: But ok thanks for confirming it.

Tribus original? Curious as to what you didn’t like about it? I bought some about a year ago and feel like it has been great.


well i had planted 4 plants at the same time all 4 had weird things happen 1 the leafs were extremely thin and just didnt look good the second had grown almost like a tumbleweed in a circular motion. and the third was so far behind i am still trying to get it to flower and its an autoflower it just started to develop dime sized buds at 11 weeks… it just seemed like all the plants had something weird go wrong with them and i used it as everyone suggested mixed in with my nutes so im unsure… bad luck?? or something so i no longer use it and would give it to anyone who can use it on here but I am not going to advertise it on like a site cause u never know who u are giving it to :wink:

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None of that sounds like tribus related issue. But it’s your grow, you can certainly use whatever you’d like.


well i had used silica also so im unsure but it was all 4 plants that i had used this on and they were the only ones that had weird things happen to them i had 6 other plants that i did not use that bottle of nutes on and they all were fine so im really unsure what happened but ive just decided to not use them again…can i say for certain it is what caused it …no… but just the way im going to go forward…I was just trying to help out any members who needed it…but would never go against policy this is why i asked…Thanks

@dbrn @Bulldognuts @kdawg @Covertgrower @NeoGroR @MrPeat and any others…so going to buy a new light tomorrow from Hlg anyone know of any codes for discount on there that will work?? I am planning on buying tomorrow night at aroun 11pm so if u all have one please respond would like to get this done…Thanks all :+1: :+1:


Post removed for affiliate code


I removed code because it belongs to affiliate outside of forum. And the other is basically an advertisement for products sold outside of the forum or seed shop. Neither are things that we are suppose to allow.

I appreciate you trying to save other members some money. Unfortunately, guidelines we have with this are pretty tight. I’m sure I have done it, which is what led to coaching session that got me up to speed with expectations haha. But I also know that anyone that puts slightest amount of effort into looking can find them. In the future please try to be a little more generic with response and we can probably leave up.

@Getch357 if you didn’t get them, go to Google and search what you’re asking for. Shouldn’t be difficult to find something that will work.

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