so just so to inform all that replied here are a few updates I did. I guess because im at beginner status I can only have 15 replies a day im sure as time goes on that will change or maybe im doing it wrong hopefully I will get the hang on if. a few pics with changes 7 hrs later and the soil well all I could get was this
so the rest is the following and im hoping for the best

she was at 79 degress with 60 percent humidity heres to hoping a full recovery
I had one do this honestly looks like it might be damping off might wanna wait on a more experienced person. That soil is also no bueno for cannabis.
Mother Earth HGC714837 Coco Plus Perlite Mix For Indoor and Outdoor Container Gardens, Provides Strong Aeration & Drainage 70% Coconut Coir, Resists Compaction, 50 Liter ….hey u all what does everyone think about this stuff? also for weedgrower 47 I only have like 1.5" of this soil over top of another to try to get her to stand
I am currently looking at buying this from amazon since I cant seem to find any good soil around here. please let me know what you all think about this before I buy it (im trying to stop wasting my $$$$$
* FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil Organic Mix Indoor Outdoor For Garden And Plants - Organic Plant Fertilizer - 38.5 Quart (1.5 cu ft). - (Bundled with Pearsons Protective Gloves) (1 Pack) I will be anxiously awaiting all your responses…….Thanks to all
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oh and 1 last thing is there a way to message people directly (if they are ok with it) so I don’t have to keep replying to my own thread…………I promise I will get this forum sooner or later :)….lolol thanks to all
That is rough to pay $40 for potting soil. I imagine you have looked but:
I live in an illegal state but I was surprised at the availability of fox farm bagged products.
I buy at a regional agricultural supply chain store - less than $20 and it also carries the trio of nutrients.
Garden supply and nurseries.
A national hardware chain carries Pro-mix. The organic veg & herb (has limestone for PH buffering) (first choice) or starter mix. I believe the all purpose has time release crap so is the same as miracle grow (avoid)
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