Fungus gnats and other issues

Hello everybody. I have 2 plants growing currently one is ilgm’s gold leaf and the other is a mystery seed that a coworker of mine germinated to see if anything would come of it. Naturally as a seed does a couple weeks later boom we are sitting at about a foot tall but he did not practice any topping or LST techniques. It was in a much smaller pot then it needed for full growth. So i went ahead on day one of me having the mystery plant and repotted it into its finaly fabric bad for growth through harvest. I am using bergmans nutrients along with fox farm big bloom and fox farms grow big and ph is always at or close to 6.5 for both of the plants. The gold leaf is doing very well but the mystery strain is not. All of the new leaves are rolling up length-wise ill included pics. If you have seen this before some help would be greatly appreciated. I also have had an issue with fungus gnats as well they arent like more then a couple that i will see at a time but they are still effecting the plants yields for sure. Does anyone out there have a method or product they use that gets rid of them completely 100% of the time? Thanks to you all and have a great day!


Leaf taco happens when the plant transpires too much, so it curls to reduce it’s surface area and protect itself. Commonly happens from too much light, and/or too high VPD.

Fungus Gnats, I’ve had excellent results with Captain Jack’s Deadbug. spray the soil after watering. then lay down some sticky traps to get any that are still airborne. if you don’t want to spray you can try Diatomaceous earth (DE). sprinkle it on the top of your soil. takes about 7-10 days from my experience.


I hear what your saying but if it was the light or the vapor pressure deficit then wouldnt it be effecting both plants if they are in the same tent? And could this be fixed by just lowering the light intensity or would i need to have it going 18 on and 6 off? Cause right now its on 24 hours a day which i havent had any problems in the past doing it that way. And ill have to give that spray and sticky traps a try for sure.

Cause this is the other plant in there with the taco leaves one.

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What is your watering schedule. Your pot look very dry. :blush::v:

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I had these gnats early on this season and learned that it is common with soils that have wood chips in them.
I switched to different soil mix when I repotted added the diatomaceous earth and the problem went away.

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I used mosquito bits watered in for mine, and sticky traps for the flyers. Problem solved and super easy. Just follow the instructions on the bag.


Like a gallon of water between the 2 of them like every other day or so.

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I did just pick up a bag of the masquito bits just the other day that im gonna be trying.


I have been using the happy frog soil from fox farm it looks like wood chips on top cause i take the top like inch or so of soil off cause thats where the gnats lay there eggs and i remove it then replace it with some of this biochar compost mix that i hear they dont like to lay there eggs in.

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Diatomaceous earth is useless if it gets wet. I had a half inch on my pots and when watering I could see thousands of gnats running on its surface.

Did an awesome job with ants that liked crawling on me in the night! Mosquito Bits, sticky traps from amazon and hanging fly strips was my solution to the 2 times problem of gnats.


Heres mybway of controlling fungus gnats (havent had any in the last few grows)

  1. Allow your soil to dry out fornthe first few inches. Fungus gnats lay eggs in moist soil. The moisture acts like an incubator with the heat. Allowing the first few inches of soil to dry out kills the larvae and eggs.

  2. Mosquito Bits. You can get them at lowes amd walmart. Crush em, let em soak in a bucket of water for 12 to 24 hours. Use this water to water your plants next time.

  3. The cheap fly paper rolls. Hang a few in your tent and this will help catch all the adults.

Follow this practice and youll eliminate your gnats.

Recycle your soil when finished. Fungus gnats usually ride along with fresh soil. Recycling your soil will keep it dried out enough when not in use and you wont have bugs hitching rides.

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Took a few pots outside to enjoy those 90ish day light. Then one morning, unzipped tent and a million critters were flying about.

The best item I used was those sticky sheet traps. I had a few on pot sticks, but when fan blew, plants would get stuck. So just stuck a few on sides of tent. Amazon has them for like $8.

Worked like a charm. I also used the bits and hanging traps.
No more pots outside. Had this confrontation 2 times so far this summer.

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I used the masquito bits once so far and it seems like all the gnats are gone now but ill still be using it at least once more just to be positive there all gone. Thank you everyone for the help.