Full of life: BudBrother’s No-till gardening with probiotics by incorporating KNF practices into your cannabis growing style

Just put this together for someone in the lab. Info is free, so here it is. Hope it may help someone else as well.

Why coconut water?

Coconut water is comprised of natural sugar, proteins, free form amino acids, indoles, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, fats and fatty acids. Coconut water provides nutrition for the plant itself, and at the same time, it provides nutrition and sugars for the micro heard.

It contains amino’s like gibberellin, which invigorates root development and growth of seedlings. Higher success of germination rate. Has everything needed to establish young plants, and it speeds up the root development in clones. Can be used as a nutritional foliar feed on clones until roots develop.

The cytokinins, are phytohormomes, that promote rapid cell division. This stimulates leaf expansion in conjunction with the potassium in the coconut water to promote larger leaf stomata. This in turn allows for more CO2 uptake of the plants. As lil as 3 tsp per qt and plants will display rapid growth of tops and side shoots, with tighter node spacing, and it will form more bud sites.

Coconut water, used in conjunction with kelp and aloe in the mix, is an explosive growth stimulator for plants of all stages of growth. It also makes an awesome foliar for instant uptakes.