Can I transplant into the happy frog soil I already have? For a weed, it all seems so temperamental! Haha!
If I had a dime bag for every time I’ve said that I’d have a lot of damn dime bags!! LOL!
Your HF is fine for transplanting to.
And because it already has some built in nutes you won’t need to feed for a month or so.
You good bro!! But definitely transplant asap!!
After you get out of the peat pot, start watering with 6.5 ph. 6.2 is going to end up eventually causing you issues as the soil ph changes (in Happy Frog that’s virtually a guarantee). Aim a bit higher to avoid nutrient lockout.
@Jbs333 yes you can transplant in happy frog soil to and the side of the pot is about how tall you want you plants, pots can be fiber or plastic if you used some plastic make sure you had some water circulation on you pot, from so far I see overwatering in your plants they on seedlings stage they just need a little amount of water daily
Looks to overwatered to me, and agree with all on those should be in their final pot.
Thank you. It’s funny thought, they look the same whether the pot is dry or after watering. Driving me crazy. Will transplant and see how things go!
So I took the smallest one out and transplanted and didn’t seem like a big root system. Not root bound at all. And soul was not overly wet. Just so confusing. Something is stunting their growth.
This is my 14 day old afghan kush AF. Tell me how she looks!
I have no idea how to start a new thread… that would be helpful too! Thanks
@Madnezz welcome!!! Plant looks good!!! Here’s how you can start your own topic. Click the ILGM logo circled, then click the new topic button. It has a huge list of different subjects to direct your questions, concerns or start a journal. Also, the moderators like topics to stay together somewhat, and try not to repeat topics. Good luck and happy growing!
Several factors could be the culprit. Genetics, we all get runts even from the same batch. Lighting should be around 24”-30”, your DLI around 15-20. Their still developing their root mass/ball and for me when I see the lower fan leaves reach the outside of the pot, I know she has developed a good root structure. What pots did you transfer too. Fabric is the way to go because they’re breathable and great for soil in particular. Keep me posted, they’ll turn around before you know it
Thanks for your encouragement! I transplanted to fabric. Yeah, leaves on one are outside of the pot. Time will tell!
I should have done this from the beginning. Everyone has their on way of doing things. Find one and stick to it.
They are tough as hell… you will realize you can put them under immense torture and they will surprise you. Yours are green and still alive, so nothing hurt so far. I’ve seen a lot worse.
Plants tend to grow slower in soil than hydroponics or coco. Biggest reason is ease of root growth. In soil it’s a little more dense making it slower to grow. Still not that big of a deal.
I agree with “most” of what everyone said above this. That being said to keep from you getting asked a million questions about what could be. Let’s get you to fill out this support ticket. This will get us all on the same page to see where you are!
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COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)
- What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
- Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
- Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
- PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
- PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
- Indoor or Outdoor
- Light system
- Temps; Day, Night
- Humidity; Day, Night
- Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
- AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
- Co2; Yes, No
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What was the color of the roots?
Anything other than bright white indicates an issue.
I think after a few days in their new homes you’ll see a major difference in the plants.
I learned the hard way with the peat pots years ago.
They don’t drain well and they don’t breathe at all. Two giant no no’s when growing herb.
Remember to water in circles out a couple of inches from the base of the plant. You want to make the roots reach out and spread. As they get bigger you’ll want to ensure the soil is completely moistened but not sopping wet. And you get good run off.
If there’s no water there neither will there be roots. And more roots = more buds.
You’ll see a difference in a few days
Thank you!
How they looking now?
They look fantastic! Took about 4 days but damn what a difference. Growth took off, color of leaves darkened and dropping went away! Thank you for helping!
Can’t thank you enough!! What a difference those fabric pots made. This is 10 days after transplant. Crazy! Thanks again!
Good job man!! Looking a whole helluvallot better!!
The fabric pots are the way to go. As the roots grow to the edge of the bag the air will take care of the tips and pretty much eliminate any chance of getting root bound. Plus it makes it a lot harder to over-water since the water drains well and there’s more air available than if in plastic.
Hope fully your next issue will be with how well she’s growing!!
Which ain’t no problem!!