In the last few days one of my plants started drooping, and it appears as though it is getting worse. It’s a Big Bud seed bought here, I’ve been watering every other day, not a lot, I don’t add so much water that it emptys out the holes in the bottom of the plastic cups. I have the Bergman starter kit and I’m using some of the Bergmans seeding fertizer. I spritz each plant 2-3 times after I water. I’m not sure how much of the fertilizer I’m using, there wearn’t ratio’s printed anywhere I could see. It appears the other plants are doing pretty decent. These are all destined for an Outside grow, was hoping to make it to May before they go outside. I’m waiting on some 1 gallon pots, thought maybe they need transplanted?? Don’t laugh at my set-up, this is my first attempt at growing medicine.
They need repotting mate, @okie56 no one laughs at you here mate unless its a good joke you tell. But really they are looking good. What do you think @MattyBear
I agree with @Hungrybud, they look good. They are big enough in those solo cups that you should be watering until some drains out, or transplant them to larger pots. I also would not spray your plants with any nutrient solution. That can burn up the leaves. Lemme know if I can help by tagging me or there’s lots of knowledgeable folks around that will help out if you need it
Thank you @Hungrybud…I had no idea they could become root-bound so soon. I started 4 of them on 4-1 and the 5th. one on 4-5 . My Daughter is cutting down a milk jug now to transplant the one. I have some 2 or 3 gallon pots out behind the shed, I guess the other plants can go into them.
Thank you @MattyBear for your input. Just for the record, I was spritzing the fertilizer into the soil, not spraying the leaves. I sure appreciate your help. I’ll get them all into larger pots tomorrow.
Welcome from a fellow okie. Looks like they’ve got you all fixed up. And like above everyone is here to help and not much that can’t be solved here.
Even watering every other day may be to much for that one plant. But @Hungrybud has you covered and @MattyBear.
Also Welcome to ILGM and to our awesome community feel free to roam around and you’ll soon see what I mean.
Thank you both @garrigan62 and @DoobieNoobie. I appreciate your words. Yepper, here in S.E. Oklahoma trying my first outdoor grow here. Wish me luck. I’ll try to re-pot these little girls today.